Chapter 16

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     Raph freaked out once he got that message as he then started to run to the pool as he had his friends call the cops. Raph was getting close to the pool but as he was able to see the place clearly he saw Leo holding hard on the ladder as Raph yelled even though he knew he could not hear him. " Leo!"
   He ran in and saw the other mutant as he dodged right in time as the mutant tried to punch him. But as Raph got to the mutants side, he then grabbed its arms and kicked him out of the place as he laid there passed out from how hard Raph kicked him.
    Raph then started to run over and started up the ladder to get the mutant away from Leo as he grabbed the mutants leg and still climbs as the mutant tried to reach for Raph but Raph got his elbow to the man's face as they got him to let Leo go as he and Raph fall to the ground.
    Leo opened his eyes feeling his leg free and looked down seeing Raph there as he stood up as did the man. Leo looked up then down not sure what to do as he then had an idea as the two started to fight so Raph tried to get a hit but the mutant was to fast while then in an instant Leo landed right on the mutants face as Leo was trying to stay on while Raph took the chance and ran to the mutant and kicked him in the throat as that caused Leo and the mutant go fall in the pool.
    But as soon as they got in the pool Raph ran over and dived in as he swam right over to Leo and pulled him up to the surface as Raph started to swim them to the edge as they got up and out of the pool. But as they were on the ground Raph got Leo in a quick hug as Leo blushed hard.
     Then Leo saw the other mutant running fast at them Leo quickly pushed Raph out of the way as Leo and that mutant went in the pool so Raph got up fast to dive back in.
   The mutant grabbed Leo's throat squeezing it hard as Leo was already losing his breath as he didn't take a deep breath when he got shoved back in the pool so he struggled to breath as he last saw Raph coming over fast as Leo closed his eyes.
    Raph got his foot to the mutants back and then punched the mutants face as he used to fight in water making Raph still fight in the water. As he let the mutant go he grabbed Leo and pulled home back up and to the edge yet again as he got up. " are you done swimming Leo..."
   Raph looked to Leo not waking up as Raph started to worry. " Shit! Leo!"
    He tried to shake him awake in which was not working so Raph blushed but didn't hesitate as he started to do CPR on Leo. He breathed in Leo's mouth making their lips touch for a few seconds then got his hands to Leo's chest as he said. " Come on wake up! Your brother will kill me if you go to the hospital again!"
    After a second Leo started to cough out the water as Raph got Leo to his side so he would not choke on the water. Leo breathed for a little then started to get up as he looked to Raph and smiled.
    Raph grunted and helped Leo up as he started to get them out and away from the pool. While walking off the police came and arrested the two mutants as Raph then got Leo to a bench and grabbed his face seeing if Leo was okay.
    Leo blushed and got his hands on Raph's hands. " Leo you should not have walked off like that..."
     Leo looked down as Raph could tell he was saying sorry as that got Raph to then get Leo back in the hug. Leo blushed and gets his hands around Raph as he hid his face.
    Raph then blushed as he then started to feel nervous as he knew he was doing CPR but their lips touched and Raph felt that it felt like it was right. But he just ignores that feeling as he then pulled away from the hug and whipped the water in Leo's face the best he could.
    That was till Leo grabbed his arms and looked at Raph as if he wanted to say something as Raph wish he could hear so he could tell him while then his two friends came and Raph pulled away from Leo. " You two okay?"
     " Yeah... They were after me and thought they could use Leo..." Raph said as Leo kept his face down as he was blushing like crazy as he knows now that he was not having a crush with Raph. But Leo was in love with him as he felt that this was bad as he could not stop seeing how Raph looked to help him that got Leo to see that he was in love.
     So Leo then started to cry as Raph and the others heard Leo as Raph went back to him as Raph got Leo's crying face to look at Raph. " What's wrong? Are you hurting?"
    Leo just cried more and got his arms around Raph as he hid his face to Raph's shoulder. ' This is how close I will get to Raph... And it will hurt but... I will be okay with it as long as Raph keeps me around...'

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