Tyler - Stairecase

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Requested by @theofficialfangirl1215

"I'm gunna go down stairs and get a drink, do you guys want anything?" (Y/N) asked as she pushed off her spot next to Tyler on the bed in the HOH room.

Tyler groaned as she got up from where they were cuddling, "No I'm okay." He said, both Brett and Kaycee shook their heads no.

"Okay I'll be right back." She said, leaving the HOH room while pulling her hair into a messy bun on top of her head. (Y/N) walked down the hall and to the stairs but sing so clumsy her feet got caught up beneath her and she fell. She then yelled out, grabbing for anything to make her fall, but she only stopped when she hit the ground.

Tyler had been watching the monitors, specifically watching (Y/N) as she went to go the kitchen. His eyes widened as he saw her trip and fall down the stairs, "(Y/N)." Tyler yelled, jumping off the bed as Brett and Kaycee followed him questionably as he raced down to where (Y/N) was laying.

(Y/N) couldn't really see, all she could feel was a blinding pain in her knee and her head, she tried to move but it hurt too much, "Ah!" She cried out, screwing her eyes shut as she reached for her leg.

"(Y/N), hey (Y/N)." Tyler said as he knelt down next to her, Brett and Kaycee not far behind. "Someone get a medic, we need a medic!" Tyler yelled, facing the rest of the house. His face was filled with pure panic as he lifted (Y/N)'s head, her eyes still clenched shut in pain.

Kaycee took off running towards the Diary Room, hoping that there was anyone who could help. "(Y/N) fell down the stairs, she's hurt we need someone." She said as she entered the Diary Room, still out of breath before taking back off into the house with a medic right behind her.

"Tyler." (Y/N) groaned, her eyes opening a little once she stopped trying to move, "I can't move my leg." She whispered, barely able to make make out the structure of his face.

"It's okay, you're gunna be fine." Tyler said, moving his hand to move hair out of her face, "Kayc went to get a medic, you're gunna be fine." He told her, but he wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself of her at this point, all Tyler knew was that he really hoped he wasn't lying.


(Y/N) still wasn't able to play in any competitions, she had torn her ACL when she fell down the stairs. She had also gotten a concussion, meaning she had as spent a few days outside of the house. With all the surgery and stuff.

She was beyond surprised when during Fessy's nominations ceremony that her face appeared on the memory wall, "I'm sorry (Y/N) but I have nominated you because you've been involved in some shady stuff recently, and I'm nominated you Scottie for the same reasons." He said, "This nomination ceremony is over." Fessy said as he grabbed the nomination block.

To say that (Y/N) was shocked would be an understatement, she was also incredibly pissed. If she could reach Fessy's face she would have clocked him, but that would get her thrown out of the game.

Tyler was pissed as well, he slammed his hands onto the table as he resisted the urge to blow up. How dare Fessy put her on the block, he knew that (Y/N) still couldn't compete in physical competitions, there was no reason to put her on the block. Tyler needed to be picked for this veto.


Tyler had been picked to play on the Veto, and he had won. He had been playing to not only keep himself safe but to pull (Y/N) off the block, she couldn't fight for herself and it wasn't fair.

"Hey everyone it's time for the Veto Meeting." Tyler said, popping his head into the backyard where everyone was sitting. His eyes wondered to (Y/N) who was bouncing her good leg rapidly while chewing on the inside of her lip nervously. Sure Tyler had promised to take her off the block but you could never be to careful.

The houseguests filled into the house through the sliding glass door. JC, being the finally one to enter, shut the door behind him before hurrying and jumping into the couch. Scottie held (Y/N)'s underarm as she sat down, then took a seat on the block next to her.

"This is the Veto Meeting, both (Y/N) and Scottie have been nominated for eviction," Tyler said calmly as his eyes scanned the room, "but I have the power to veto one of those nominations." He continued. Tyler then licked his lips patiently, "I have chosen-" He paused for dramatic effect, "To use the power of Veto on (Y/N). I'm sorry Fessy but I don't think it's fair that she didn't get to compete." Tyler finished, his eyes shifting from (Y/N) to Faysal.

(Y/N) felt her lungs fill with joy, Tyler came over, lifting her by her arms, "Thank you." She mumbled as he placed the veto around her neck and engulfing her in a hug.

"I told you I got you." Tyler told her softly as he pulled back to examine the look on her face. She looked so happy he could have kissed her right there, but now wasn't the time. "Here." Tyler said helping her move so that she was sitting on the orange part of the couch and not the block.

(Y/N) held herself against Tyler's shoulders as he helped her sit back down, "Thank you." She said again as she finally made contact with the couch again.

Tyler nodded as he went back to the front of the room, "Faysal since I have just vetoed one of your nominations you must now name a replacement nominee." Tyler said, looking directly at Fessy. Faysal was obviously upset that he had to put someone else on the block and get more blood on his hands.

"This is the only way to get the least amount of blood on my hands, I'm sorry Kaycee but please take a seat on the block next to Scottie." Fess said, pouring at Kaycee and then to the block.

After Kaycee took a seat Tyler stood back up, "This Veto Meeting is adjourned." He said then dramatically closing the veto box.

Tyler then made his way over to (Y/N), helping her stand before handing her her crutches. Neither one of them said anything, but waited till they were the last ones in the room before she said anything.

"Thank you, you'll never know how much this means to me." (Y/N) told Tyler as she wrapped her arms around him once again.

Tyler chuckled, "I'm just happy I was able to save us both." He said, placing one arm around her back and the other onto the back of her head. Tyler pulled her as close as he could, this week went probably the best it could considering they weren't in power. Being able to save his girl was the best feeling in the world. "Love you." Tyler mumbled as he placed a quick kiss on her cheek before anyone would see.

Word Count: 1281

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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