Scottie - Of Course

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"You're staring." Hayleigh said to (Y/N). It was about mid day and the two had decided to go swimming. (Y/N) was on a floaty looking over to where Scottie was laying down lifting weights, he couldn't see her but she was sure if he could he would never speak to her again. She probably looked crazy, staring at him. 

(Y/N) jumped when she heard Hayleigh's voice, "Shut up." She mumbled before rolling over off the floaty into the water. Hayleigh was the only one who knew that (Y/N) had a small crush on Scottie. She had told Hayleigh just over a week ago and it had been the only thing the two talked about since.

"Why don't you just tell him?" Hayleigh said with a small laugh. This was the most common conversation (Y/N) and Hayleigh had been having in the past week. Hayleigh was convinced that Scottie liked (Y/N) back but was too shy to say anything. But (Y/N) thought that if she said anything he would never want to speak to her again.

"We've been over this Hayles." (Y/N) said rolling her eyes and tossing her hair into a messy bun in order to keep it out of the water. "If I tell him it's a lose lose situation. If I tell him and he doesn't like me back I'll lose him as a friend and make a potential enemy out of him. And if I tell him and he does like me back then we both become huge targets, it's just not worth it." She explained to her blonde friend. (Y/N) then let her eyes wonder over to where Scottie was again, but he looks so good she thought while flinging her head black with a groan.

"Or you could become an amazing power couple and have an amazing summer together." Hayleigh suggested, seeing as they had already talked about how Hayleigh was struggling with the same thing with Fessy.

Neither one of them noticed that Scottie out the weights seeing as they were to busy arguing in hushed tones. Scottie noticed how (Y/N) was talking with her hands, something she only did if she was upset of excited. He hoped she was just excited about something, but he doubted it seeing as he face was drawn close together in a defeated look. Scottie hoped that everything was alright but figured it best just to go back inside and not interrupt them.


"I'm so tired." (Y/N) groaned, laying her head against Tyler's shoulder, the two were sitting in the kitchen with Hayleigh and Sam. Sam had wanted some help making dinner, Tyler, Hayleigh and (Y/N) were all happy to help.

Tyler rubbed small circles on the small of her back, "Why?" He asked her looking down and seeing her eyes were only half open.

"I was up really late last night, I couldn't sleep." She told him, then yawned before continuing her sentence, "And then I spent most of the morning working out." (Y/N) continued, this time closing her eyes completely.

"You didn't have to work out today, especially not that early." Hayleigh pointed out, obviously joking. (Y/N) made a face as her before returning her head to Tyler's shoulder.

"You can go take a nap (Y/N), Tyler, Hayleigh and I can take care of this." Sam said, her voice the same sweet tone as always.

(Y/N) shook her head, "If I take a nap now I'll never go to bed tonight and I'll be right back here tomorrow." She said, and it was a fair point. "But thanks Sam." (Y/N) said, which earned her a ocean wide smile in return.

Just then Scottie came around the corner from where the bedrooms and the living room was. He paused his stride when he saw (Y/N) leaning against Tyler in the kitchen. Scottie had never pegged her as the type to be all over guys like Tyler. She was nice and caring but didn't flirt a lot, but maybe she liked Tyler. That idea put a pit in Scottie's stomach.

"Hey Scott." Tyler said when he noticed Scottie standing half way between the living room and the kitchen. Tyler looked down at (Y/N) and grimaced, everyone in the house knew that Scottie had a thing for (Y/N), it was obvious.

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