Scottie - Bully

975 19 9

Requested by @tynnialuvstwd

(Y/N) sat at the counter in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal like she did every morning. She rested one elbow on the table and let her eyes wonder across the room. Not very many people were awake. Scottie, Angela, Sam and Brett were the only ones awake. Brett was outside with Angela, working out. Sam was doing laundry outside and Scottie was taking an early morning shower.

"Morning." Brett said, coming inside without a shirt on and a towel draped around her neck. Angela was with him, she didn't say anything but sat at the table instead of next to (Y/N) at the counter.

"Good morning." (Y/N) said happily as she turned around while holding her bowl of cereal.

Angela rolled her eyes from the kitchen table and looked down. It was no secret that (Y/N) and Angela didn't really get along. Ever since Angela had caught (Y/N) talking to Tyler in the back yard the night before an eviction for hours on end Angela wasn't a big fan of (Y/N). (Y/N) figured that it was just jealously but decided it was probably better to not try and even things out.

"Do you guys want anything, I'm gonna make some breakfast food?" Brett asked, pulling pans out from cabinets.

"No I'm all set Brett." (Y/N) said from the counter.

"I'll take something Brett." Angela said, coming up to the counter near (Y/N) with a sour look on her face. Angela looked over at (Y/N) and continued to glare.

It took a few minutes of staring for (Y/N) to finally lose it, she dropped her spoon and glared at Angela, "What the hell is your problem?" She asked angrily, as now folded over her chest.

Angela looked startled at (Y/N)' reaction. She hadn't been expecting (Y/N) to react to her, she never did, "What?" Angela said, her eyebrows drawn together and one hip jetted out to the side.

"You heard me," (Y/N) said, "What the hell is wrong with you Angela?" She hissed, eyes blazing at Angela.

"Guys come on don't-"

"Not now Brett." Angela said, even more angrily than before. "What the hell is wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" She said, crossing her arms once again.

"Excuse you?"

"At least I'm not spending my time cuddled up between all the boys, between Tyler, Brett and Scottie I'm pretty sure that all of America knows what I'm talking about." Angela said with a smirk on her lips.

"You know you really shouldn't be talking." (Y/N) said matter of factly while going back to eating her cereal.

Tyler walked into the room then, his hair pulled back and a bandana around his head while he rubbed his hands over his face. He was walking with Scottie, who was wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt thrown over a T-shirt that he must have slept in. The two of them were smiling widely and throwing their hands in the air as they spoke.

"I wouldn't want my dad to see me acting like a such a slut." Angela said in the same bitchy tone that (Y/N) had used just seconds ago.

Tyler, Brett and Scottie all made eye contact as the two girls looked like they were two seconds from pulling each other's eyes out. Tyler elbowed Scottie in the side as they sat at the table. They each knew that it was better to let the girls fight then to get in the middle of this.

"At least my father would at least be surprised if I was acting that way." (Y/N) said, taking another bite of her food. "Your dad is used to you acting like a self entitled bitch." She said, getting up from the counter to put her bowl in the sink. (Y/N) set the bowl down and pushed passed Angela who was just staring at (Y/N) with her mouth hung open.

"At least I don't have to fawn over guys in order to make myself feel better." Angela said, moving so she was sitting next to Tyler, handing him a plate of food that Brett had just made.

Scottie clenched his hands, "Okay Angela stop." He said, his head finally turning up from where he had been staring at the table.

Everyone was surprised by Scottie's actions, maybe he was just getting jealous about what Angela was saying. Most people knew that Scottie and (Y/N) looked each other, is hearing Angela slut shame her wasn't really Scottie's idea of a good time. On top of that Scottie wasn't the type to speak up and cause confrontation.


"No Angela I am so sick of hearing you bully everyone in this house." Scottie continued, cutting her off as she tried to defend herself to him. "We get it, you're the popular mean girl but guess what, no one cares. Just stop and say something nice for once." He ranted on standing up and walking from the room.

(Y/N)'s eyes were wide, she knew that Scottie wasn't a huge fan of Angela. He thought that she was entitled and didn't have much of a personality. But (Y/N) never imagined that he would blow up like that. She jumped down from her seat at the counter and followed Scottie.

The door to the storage room slammed shut, he must have gone in there. (Y/N) pulled the door open to see Scottie pacing back and forth with his hands jammed into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"Oh (Y/N)." He said when he turned on his heel and made eye contact with him, he hadn't been expecting her to follow him. If anything he had expected Angela to come after him in a raging fit.

She smiled at him, closing ten storage room door behind her, "Hey Scottie." (Y/N) said, moving closer to where he was now resting his hands behind him on the counter. "I just wanted to say thank you for that, sticking up for me." She said pointing over her shoulder, knowing it was the completely wrong direction.

"I just couldn't listen to her do that anymore." He said, cringing lightly as to mock Angela. (Y/N) laughed, but his smile dropped for a second, "I am sorry you could have handled that yourself." Scottie admitted, feeling bad that he may have made (Y/N) seem weak. She wasn't, she was one of the strongest people he knew.

She laughed again, moving closer and wrapping her arms around his waist, Scottie seemed taken back by her actions, "It's okay, I really appreciated it." (Y/N) said looking up at a nervous Scottie from where he head was on his chest.

Scottie smiled, wrapping his arms around her shoulders, "I wasn't gonna let her treat you like that." Scottie said, laying his head on top of hers and holding (Y/N) closer.

Word Count: 1168

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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