Brett - Worried

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(Y/N) rolled over into a chest, only to groan at the contact. When she looked up it wasn't who she thought it was going to be. She was met with Kaycee who was still asleep, (Y/N) sighed I'm disappointment. It wasn't that she didn't like Kaycee, she loved her but she wasn't Brett.

Recently Level 6 has devised a plan to get information from the other side of the house. They all decided to not to talk to Brett, seeing as he can talk over anyone, so that they would think he was alone.

So far it was working. Brett spent nights either with Fessy in the yard working out or with the girls hanging out or anywhere (Y/N) wasn't. At first she didn't mind it, it was easy to spend time with the others and not with Brett. It was the sleeping that killed her. She had gotten so used to sleeping near him that now she heatedly slept and she was pretty sure the lack of sleep was making her paranoid.

(Y/N) looked up to see Angela looking at the HOH monitors, she saw Brett downstairs with his arms wrapped around Hayleighs waist and he was whispering.

"Brett." The Big Brother voice spoke, "please turn on your microphone." Everyone knew what that meant. It meant that he was talking game, people only take their mics off wen they're taking game.

Angela looked over at (Y/N) but she didn't share the same confused look as (Y/N) did. The way Angela saw it was that of course he was talking game with her, he was playing her and all of them in order to get Level 6 more information. The way (Y/N) saw it was that he would talk to Hayleigh without his hands all over her and with his mic on. End of story. Just then Tyler came into the room, eating food as always. He too didn't seem to share any of (Y/N)'s concerns about what had just happened.

"That's a little odd don't you think." (Y/N) said, twiddling with her fingers. Maybe she was just being paranoid and jealous.

Both Tyler and Angela looked confused, "What do you mean?" Tyler asked between bites of his food, his feet resting on the table on the center of the room while he looked over at the girls.

"With Brett and his mic." She said, pointing out what she saw as the obvious.

"Shit happens, I wouldn't worry about it." Tyler said with a small shrug. Everyone seemed to shrug it off and that should have been enough for (Y/N) but for some reason she had a pit in her stomach. A bad feeling about Brett hanging out with the other side of the house.

(Y/N) nodded and looked over at the screen again, "Yeah I guess." She said playing with her mic pack and looking away from the screen.

Maybe the feeling in the pit of her stomach wasn't that he didn't trust Brett maybe it was jealousy. It wasn't really a secret that (Y/N) likes Brett, but they both knew how dangerous a showmance could be for their games. Especially after Brett's bromance got Winston sent home, the last thing Brett needed was a bigger target on his back.

"I'm gunna go get some food and work out, I'll see you guys later." (Y/N) said whole rubbing her face and crawling out of the HOH bed. The rest of the groups said bye to her as the she left the room and started down the stairs into the kitchen. Not to her surprise Brett and Hayleigh were still together in the kitchen, Hayleigh was cooking eggs while Brett stood behind her with his hands wrapped around her middle. "Morning." (Y/N) said in a low voice, causing Brett and Hayleigh to jump apart.

Brett's face dropped when he saw (Y/N), it had been a few days since the two had gotten a chance to talk and he was dying to speak to her. "Morning (Y/N), sleep well?" He asked her, eyes watching her go to the fridge. 

(Y/N) shrugged, trying to make it seem like she had been sleeping well, "I spent pretty well, the HOH beds comfortable." Her brain was yelling at her to tell him that she had been sleeping like crap the part week without sleeping with him. But she couldn't look at him, she had to keep up the appearance that they weren't working tougher.

"That's good." Brett said, taking a seat next to her. (Y/N) held her breath before standing straight up and leaving the kitchen. Brett looked over his shoulder in confusion before bolting after (Y/N) through the House. "(Y/N). (Y/N) hold up." Brett said, latching his hand onto her arm and shutting the door to the have not room while (Y/N) threw her body into one of the satellite beds. "(Y/N)." Brett said trying to get her attention when she wouldn't look at him.

(Y/N) looked down at her hands where she was running her fingers across the blanket she held. She didn't want to look up at him, sure she was jealous about Hayleigh but she also was worried that he would flip and be the reason she went home in the near future. The last thing (Y/N) wanted for the one person in the house she cared about the most to be the one she trusted the least.

"(Y/N) would you just tell me what's up, you've been acting weird for the past few days." Brett said, walking closer to here she sat curled into a ball.

She shook her head, "Just go Brett." (Y/N) said quietly, still not looking up at Brett.

Brett narrowed his eyes at her, still confused what he had done to make her so upset, "(Y/N) there's no one else in here you don't have to ignore me." He said, laughing a little bit at her.

"I'm serious Brett, I just want to be alone." (Y/N) said in a tone that Brett didn't recognize. He flinched at her words.

Brett cleared his throat, clasping his hands in front of him, "You want to be alone or you don't want to be near me?" He asked in a sad lowered voice, hanging his head.

(Y/N) didn't know what she was supposed to say to him, she wanted to tell him that morning was wrong and that she was being ridiculous but another part of her wanted to scream at him.

"I just think you're getting a little too close to Hayleigh is all." She said quietly, trying not to sound jealous or crazy. It didn't work.

Brett laughed, "You're kidding right?" He continued to laugh at her but let the laughter drop off when he saw we face. (Y/N)'s eyes were watering as she looked down. "You're not kidding, you're actually upset that I'm spending so much time with Hayleigh? (Y/N) I'm only doing this to get level 6 further on the game." Brett explained to her softly.

"I know. I know." (Y/N) said covering her face, trying to keep Brett from seeing her tear up. "It's stupid, Brett just go alright." She told him with her hands still over her face.

Brett smiled, but she couldn't see him. "Oh (Y/N)." He said wrapping his arms around her, she leaned into him. It was the first time in a week that she had been this close to him, "You know you're cute when you're all jealous and worked up." He told her, just then she shot up to look at him with narrowed up.

"I am not jealous." (Y/N) hissed at him with a smile on her face. Brett chuckled and kissed her forehead.

Word Count: 1320

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-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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