Brett - Jealous

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Requested by @fullerhouse3

"Brett!" Hayleigh squealed as Brett picked her up with a smirk on his lips, "Brett my hair!" She continued yelling as Brett still had her hoisted over his head.

"What was that I can't hear you over-" Brett joked, he then dropped Hayleigh into the pool. "-Over the sound of the water." He continued as Hayleigh came up for air from the bottom of the pool, gasping for air and tossing her hair back.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes before jumping off the side of the pool table, "Brett! Brett! My hair!" She mocked with her nose scrunched and her hands bunching her hair.

(Y/N) was beyond sick of Brett and Hayleigh this week. Ever since Level 6 has decided it be best for Brett to infiltrate the other side of the house all he did was flirt and flirt with Hayleigh. (Y/N) had nothing against Hayleigh or the other side of the house, they were all perfectly good people but seeing Brett with Hayleigh was making her increasingly jealous.

It wasn't really a secret that (Y/N) and Brett liked each other, both too stubborn to say anything and both too paranoid to start a showmance. Brett was already a huge target, he was physically fit and a smooth talked, he also had a very clear alliance with Winston. The last thing he needed was a showmance.

She stormed up to the HOH room, where Angela was currently residing as the HOH. (Y/N) three open the door, "Ugh." She said as the door closed behind her and she tossed herself onto the couch next to where Kaycee was sitting.

Angela, Tyler and Kaycee all shared a look before they spoke, "What's wrong?" Kaycee asked, sitting up from her place on the bed next to Angela. Usually (Y/N) was pretty good at keeping her cool, but after almost two weeks of watching Brett play with her hair and call her names and watching Hayleigh hang all over him and wearing his sweatshirts was killing her.

"Stupid Brett with stupid Hayleigh." She huffed, moving closer to Tyler who was stretched across the couch as well. Tyler tossed an arm over her shoulder, patting the one farthest from him, in attempt to comfort her into taking the sour look off her face.

"You do know that Brett is only hanging out with them to further our games right?" Angela pointed out as a soft reminder, but that only turned (Y/N)'s look angrier. "Sorry-"

"Look I know that but I can't help it." She said, crossing her arms and leaning into Tyler. (Y/N) couldn't help but be mad, of course she was. It made her question how she should be playing this game and it almost made her question Brett's loyalty, even if it was a plan.

Tyler raised an eyebrow, "What? Being jealous?" He asked with a smirk on his lips, turning to Angela and Kaycee who shared the same look.

"Don't be ridiculous." (Y/N) said, sitting up and away from Tyler, "I'm not jealous I just-"

"Don't like seeing Brett with Hayleigh?" Angela said, raising her voice and eyebrows as they continued to tease (Y/N).

She then threw her hands in the air, "Okay fine I'm jealous? I like Brett and seeing him-"

She stopped mid sentence as the door opened, it was Brett, she guessed that they didn't see him coming. Brett looked around the room as they all grew quiet, "What's wrong, I heard yelling and then it got quiet in here?" Brett said, shutting the door behind him as his eyes grew suspicious. His eyes landed on (Y/N), who wasn't looking at him, "(Y/N)?" He questioned, walking cautiously into the room.

"No one was yelling Brett you must be hearing things." (Y/N) lied, crossing her arms and not looking at him still. Angela and Kaycee looked at each other in shock, hoping that this conversation wouldn't end in a fight.

Tyler looked up at Brett, moving a hand in front of his neck back and forth. But Brett didn't seem to get it, he narrowed his eyes even more. This time puffing his chest slightly, getting ready to defend himself.

"You know I can tell when you're lying right?" Brett said, his voice slightly sarcastic. He tried to look around the room again but everyone else wouldn't look at him, they were all just staring at the ground.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. She was growing increasingly annoyed with Brett, "Whatever Brett, go talk to Hayleigh about it." She mumbled under her breath, standing up to leave the room. (Y/N) didn't want to be in the same room with him, she knew if she was then she was bound to explode.

Brett blinked rapidly as she tried to pass him, moving so that she almost ran into his chest.

"Move." (Y/N) said through a clenched jaw. Her eyes fixed right ahead, she was careful not to look him in the eyes. (Y/N) sighed when he didn't budge, "Move Brett." She tried again, moving to the side in order to get around him.

Brett stood in front of her again, "No, tell me what's wrong? What happened?" He asked her, clearly clueless as to why she was so upset.

(Y/N) closed her eyes and ran her tongue over the inside of her cheeks, "If you don't know what's wrong than we have more than one problem." She told him pushing past him and finally leaving the HOH room, leaving Brett and the other three in shock.

"(Y/N)!" Brett exclaimed as he stormed after her out of the room, taking hold of her arm softly before she even made it down the hall. She practically hissed when he grabbed her, so Brett let go and stood in front of her with his hands in the air. "Just talk to me, you know you're always been able too." He said, quieter than before. Mostly because he didn't want the rest of the house know that they were apparently fighting.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Have I?" She asked him, her eyes narrowing up at him.

Brett was slightly taken back by her bitter tone, "(Y/N) seriously? What have I ever done that would make you-"

"I haven't talked to you in almost two weeks Brett! I'd have to surgically remove Hayleigh from you in order too!" She almost yelled, eyes moving quickly between Brett's confused face and the kitchen below them, good thing that no one was down there, they were all enjoying the back yard.

"That's what this is about?" Brett asked, his voice a hushed yell. "You know why I'm spending so much time with Hayleigh." He told her, pointing towards the backyard.

"That doesn't mean you have to get so close to her." (Y/N) hissed. She then tried to get around him again, she no longer wanted to have this conversation. There was no point, Brett wasn't her boyfriend, he could of whatever he wanted. 

Brett's face drew together before he looked like he had come across an idea, he moved quickly as his hands grabbed either side of her face. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips on to hers, doing something that he had been dying to do since week one.

They both pulled back, half breathless, "You can't just kiss people without asking." (Y/N) said between deep breaths as she held his face in her hands.

Brett chucked, his chest shaking against hers, "Next time I'll make sure to ask." He answered, looking into her eyes to make sure that everything was alright. There seemed to be no sign of hostility in her eyes, just a smitten look across her face.

Word Count: 1338

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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