Tyler - MP3

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Requested by: @beautifulmax2001


Tyler emerged from the diary room after winning the first HOH of the summer, the key to his room dangling around his neck. There was also a smile a smile wide across his lips as he gripped the key.

"Who wants to see my HOH room?" He yelled as he entered the living room. Angela, Kaycee and Brett were all sitting the living room, and they all jumped into the air with excitement.

The whole house came running to follow Tyler in a line up the spiral stair case. When Tyler opened the door the houseguests all flooded in and scattered across the room. They were all taking in not just the room itself but the picture he had gotten.

Tyler moved to the nightstand when he saw a familiar face. It was a picture of him and his girlfriend (Y/N). They were on the beach, the summer before, and he was on his back. She had surprised him on a break he had a work that day, they had a picnic on the beach. One of their friends that Tyler worked with had taken them picture.

"Oh whose the hottie." Brett said, snatching the picture of Tyler and (Y/N) out of Tyler's hands. Brett stared down at the picture, and immediately Tyler felt jealously flood his system.

"Back off dude." Tyler hissed, yanking the picture frame back.  He then set the picture down on the table beside the bed, Tyler knew he would spent hours staring at that picture later. "That's my girlfriend (Y/N), I met her at the beach two years ago. We were friends for about almost a year before we went out. We've been together for a over a year." Tyler explained to the houseguests, still looking over at the picture of them.


Tyler laid in his bed in the HOH room, it was the first time he had been alone all night. People were coming in and out of his room, trying to get one on ones with him. He grabbed the picture of him, his mom and his dad and placed it next to the one of him and (Y/N). Tyler's Mom and always told (Y/N) how much his dad would have liked her.

He then rolled over to grab a drink and noticed an MP3 player. Tyler had completely forgotten to look for one because he had been looking at the pictures. Usually they gave the HOH's CD's. He tossed the MP3 in his hands before placing the headphone onto his head and hitting play.

Tyler scrunched his nose for a second when he didn't recognize the song. He then turned up the volume in attempt to try and figure out what the song was, he then realized that it was a song that he and (Y/N) danced too ok their one year anniversary. Tyler's face then flushed red when he finally realized who was singing, it was (Y/N).

"Hey babe." Tyler said, taking the headphones off his ears and looking up at the camera. He smiled as he passed the MP3 through his fingers. Knowing that he could hear her voice everyday for a week made his stomach stop turning in anxiety. "I know I left really suddenly but I can't thank you enough for supporting me the way you did." He told her, still looking at the camera. "I really miss you (Y/N), I really hope you're doing alright." Tyler said still looking at the camera.


When the Big Brother crew came to the Crispen house hold they weren't aware that Tyler's girlfriend (Y/N) was going to be visiting.

"So what can you tell us about your and Tyler's relationship?" The interviewer asked (Y/N), and instantly her face turned bright red.

"Tyler is the most genuine guy. On out first date he took me for a walk on the beach after we had dinner in the peer and we talked for most of the night." She told the interviewer, her hands at her sides.

"What do you think of how Tyler is playing the game?"

"I think Tyler is playing a really good game. He is very charismatic and I think he's using that to his advantage." (Y/N) said, smiling at the idea of Tyler. "I miss him like crazy but he's been dreaming of this since he was like ten." She told the interviewer, thinking back to when Tyler had first introduced her to Big Brother, telling her all about the show.


"So tell me more about (Y/N)." Angela said to Tyler as they laid in the hammock together late at night. Tyler had yet to win another HOH and he missed the sound of (Y/N)'s voice like crazy.

Tyler smiled, pulling his hands over his face to hide the blood rushing to his face, "She's amazing. We were friends first, I wasn't looking for a relationship but I never am when I find someone. She was fun and fiery and she doesn't take shit from people." Tyler said, his eyes drifting to the camera, trying to picture (Y/N)'s face. "I mean (Y/N) is just the most amazing person I have ever met." Tyler explained. Thinking about everything he loved about her, everything from the way her eyes squinted at every joke he told to how she loved to complain about how he always used her shampoo and conditioner.

"Awe you love her." Angela teased, kicking Tyler in the side lightly.

He rubbed the side of his neck, "Of course I love her, (Y/N)'s everything to me and I wouldn't trade her for the world." Tyler said, smiling like a love sick fool. Gosh he missed her, but at the end these few months would be worth it if he was able to bring home the money to her. Then he would finally have the money he wanted to propose to her.

Word Count: 1007

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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