Tyler - Bandana

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Tyler knitted his eyebrows as he dug through his pile of clothing, he had been looking for his purple and pink bandana all morning. He had looked through all of his stuff in the dresser, on top of the dresser and even asked several of the houseguests but none of them had seen it. He was growing more confused and angrier by the minute, where in the world could he have put it?

"Still no luck honey?" Sam asked as Tyler wondered blindly into the kitchen, Brett sitting at the counter. Tyler shook his head while glazing his eyes over the the table and counters. "Oh I'm sorry Tyler." She said in a small voice, looking around the room to help him look.

"It's alright Sammy." Tyler said rubbing the back of his head in confusion. "I'll just go grab a different one." He said wrinkling his nose in confusion. Sam didn't respond as Tyler left the room, she was busy doing dishes. 

"I'm sure you'll find it man." Brett said while taking another bite of his cereal. He then swallowed and turned to Tyler in the spinning chair, "Are you sure it's not in the washer or something?" Brett asked with a confused look on his face.

"I just washed it the other day." Tyler said still scratching his head. "It's whatever I'm sure I'll find it." He mumbled as he moved through the kitchen.

Tyler decided that it would just be easier to go get a different bandana than to spend anymore time looking for the pink and purple one. He then went up the stores towards the HOH room.

(Y/N) had won HOH the other night, which could not have been better. Tyler and (Y/N) were in a showmance, meaning he was safe this week. Tyler had told himself that he didn't want a showmance, because he wanted to win. But (Y/N) was just everything he was looking for, and he couldn't help himself.

"Hey babe." (Y/N) said as Tyler entered the room, he didn't look at her as his eyes scanned the room.

Tyler looked around the room, still puzzling where on earth his bandana could be. When he went to look at (Y/N) and he froze. She was laying in the bed with a blanket over, and his sweatshirt on along with her bed shorts still on, she much have just gotten up. And tied around her head was his bandana, specifically the one that he was looking for. Instead of being mad Tyler found himself smiling.

"Hey." Tyler said, toppling over into the bed, his face only inches from hers. He then reached his hand out and played with the ends of the bandana, "This looks good on you." He commented with a smirk, moving so that he was beside her.

(Y/N) laughed, moving her head into the crook of his neck, "I hope you don't mind, I kind of put it on this morning when I found it in the sheets." She told him with a large smile on her face, "Remember I kind of took it off last night?" (Y/N) commented with a smirk as she ran a hand up and down his chest.

Tyler laughed as he tightened his arms (Y/N) back, "Oh yeah, it's no problem." He said thinking back at last night. Having the HOH room to themselves was nice, the two had spent all night wrapped up together.

"Good because this is you're sweatshirt too." (Y/N) said softly into Tyler's neck, laughing quietly

Tyler laughed too, "Yeah I know babe." He said while rubbing her back. The two of them laid in the bed for what seemed like a forever until there was was knock at the door. Tyler and (Y/N) both groaned before Tyler answered, "Come in." He said as he rolled away from (Y/N) with a sour look on his face.

"Hey guys," Brett said as he entered the room. He still had a bowl of cereal in his hand and Tyler would have guessed he had gotten more. Once Brett sat down he narrowed his eyes at (Y/N) before looking to Tyler, "Hey man isn't that the bandana you were looking for earlier?" He asked while taking another bit of his food.

Tyler licked his lips and ducked his head down for a second, "Uh yeah I found it." He said motioning to where (Y/N) was laying, looking between Brett and Tyler.

"Why didn't you tell me you were looking for this?" (Y/N) asked rolling closer to where Tyler was, she was smiling so much that her face almost hurt.

Tyler bit the inside of his lip and smiled down at (Y/N), "I've got tones of them, don't worry about it." He said, putting his hand on one side of her face.

(Y/N) grinned at how sweet he was, "Okay." She said, not wanting to say anything in front of Brett as she and Tyler still hadn't made their showmance public yet. All she wanted to do was grab his face and kiss him.

"I'll leave you two alone so she can tell you how cute you are." Brett said with a smirk on his face as he jumped off the couch.

Tyler and (Y/N) both looked at each other with wide eyes before watching Brett leave the room, "Did you tell him?" (Y/N) asked when the door shut behind Brett.

Tyler shook his head, "No, I guess we weren't the good at hiding it as we thought." He said and wrapped his hands around her waist again.

"Yeah." She said, running her hands up and down his chest again. Tyler shuttered at the contact, he tightened his grip on her back as she straddled him. "You okay?" (Y/N) asked with a small smirk on her face.

"I'm fine." He answered while rubbing his legs on either way of her thighs. "But do me a favor and drop doing that." Tyler said moving his hands from her legs to her hands to stop the circles she was making on his chest. She was driving him nuts, especially with his bandana on.

"Sorry babe." (Y/N) laughed before planting a kiss on his cheek and rolling to his side. "But thanks for the bandana." She said quietly in his ear before resting her head on his chest.

Word Count: 1075

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-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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