Brett - Teasing

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Requested by @younowlover456

(Y/N) was curled up in a ball on the hammock looking sideways at the rest of the yard. Well Brett and the rest of the yard. Brett was a little bit a ways away from where (Y/N) was but if he turned he wouldn't have noticed that she was watching him. Not that he would think anything of it, this house could be inherently boring at times.

For the past couple of weeks whenever (Y/N) was around Brett she found her stomach do flips. She had told herself that it was nothing, that it was just nerves surrounding the game. It couldn't possibly be that she had a crush on him, could it? Well it turned out she did like him. Now every time he was around she would stutter or flirt, and she wasn't sure which was worse.

Brett mumbled numbers to himself as he lifted weights while staring at his reflection in the mirror. He couldn't help but flicker his gaze to where (Y/N) was laying in the hammock, she seemed to be looking in his direction but he figured that was just wishful thinking. She was probably just looking at the yard and thinking.

Brett then set the weights down on the ground and decided to make it way to the hammock. He grinned as he ran his towel across his chest. It wasn't hard for Brett to get a girl, usually, but with (Y/N) he just couldn't seem to figure her out. She had been acting odd the past few weeks but again he wasn't sure if it was just him hoping.

"Don't you look good today sweet thang." Brett commented as he dipped his body into the hammock across from (Y/N).

She looked down to keep him from seeing her cheeks turn crimson, "Oh please I'm wearing sweats." (Y/N) said with a role of her eyes. It wasn't a secret that Brett was a flirt, he would go around flirting with anyone. Her, Hayleigh and even Scottie. So (Y/N) never really took what he said to heart, she knew that was just who he was.

"Yeah but you look so good." Brett said closing his eyes for a second. He heard her laugh while his eyes were closed, when he opened them he saw that her cheeks were flushed red. "Awe you're blushing!" He teased her, using the side of his foot to tickle her side.

"Shut up." She tried to hiss but ended up laughing as he tickled her. Of course he just had to catch her blushing, now he had to know that she liked him.

Brett smiled, as a thought dawned on him, "You like me." He exclaimed, sitting up straight.

(Y/N) widened her eyes, preparing to defend herself, "I do not." She responded, her voice cracking as she spoke. (Y/N) scolded herself for not being better at hiding her feelings. "I just blush easily." (Y/N) said but she guessed that he didn't buy it according to how he was still grinning. Brett didn't say anything for a while, he just say there and smiled. (Y/N) wasn't sure what was going through his head but she hoped that he was buying her lies. "Brett you're freaking me out." She admitted quietly, looking down from him to her hands.

Brett shook his head, "Sorry." He mumbled quieter than before. How low his voice was almost startled (Y/N), usually he was loud but now he was practically whispering. "I uh- (Y/N) I know I'm kind of a flirt with everyone in the house but-" Brett paused and licked his lips. "I like you, I don't just flirt with you because that's who I am. I do it because I want you to like me." He told her, holding his breath for her answer.

(Y/N) wasn't sure what to say, she had never imagined that this would happen. She always thought he crush on Brett was hopeless, "Brett- I- um I like you too." Was the best she could come up with.

They both laughed for a second before Brett switched sides of the hammock so that he was laying next to her. He wrapped his arm around her middle and she laid her arm on top of his. Brett nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck while pushing his legs towards her.

He chuckled against her neck for a second, "What?" (Y/N) asked quietly.

Brett shook his head before mumbling, "Gosh you're so short." He teased while his chest shook against her back as he laughed.

(Y/N) stiffened a laugh, "Shut up." She mumbled as he pulled herself closer to Brett.

Word Count 794

This one is short...

DM me for a request! I just need a few things!
-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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