Brett - Protection

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Since Winston was evicted a few days ago Brett had been acting weird. Obviously he was upset that his best friend was gone but it (Y/N) thought maybe it could be more than that. He seemed more mopey than usual, especially after losing the HOH competition.

"Hey babe." (Y/N) said, crawling into the bed where Brett was. She hadn't really seen much of him, which was odd because usually they spent as much time together as possible. Being in a showmance hadn't been either of their plan coming into this game but it happened.

He was looking straight ahead and barely even flinched when she spoke to him. (Y/N) blinked, confused as to why he seemed to be ignoring her. Had she done something to upset him? She tried to think back to see if she had done anything that would upset him.

"Brett?" She asked, trying to place her hand on his arm. He paused for a second before he flinched away and jumped from where he was laying. "What the hell is your problem?" (Y/N) asked, sitting up and tossing her hair so she could actually see Brett's face.

"Look (Y/N) I think we need to talk." He mumbled, clasping his hands in front of him and he refused to meet her eyes.

(Y/N) crossed her arms in front of her chest, "Okay." She said, waiting for any kind of explanation as to why Brett was acting this way. It was obvious that he was upset with her or maybe just in general.

Brett chewed on the inside of his mouth, "I don't think this  is gunna work." He said, his eyes dancing across the room.

"Okay then let's go someone more private." (Y/N) said, they were standing in a very public place and this didn't seem like a conversation that Brett wanted to have in the open. (Y/N) started to make her way from the blue room towards the storage room.

"No." Brett said with a shake of his head, "(Y/N) I mean this isn't going to work." He said while she was turned around because he was too afraid to see her face.

(Y/N) stooped dead in her tracks, her body became frozen in shock as she processed what Brett had just said. Just then she became nauseous, her head felt light and her body shaky.

"Oh." (Y/N) said quietly, she then turned around to face him but she didn't look at him. Instead she started gathering some of her clothes in order to move them away from their- his bed now. The last thing she wanted was to be anywhere near him.

"Don't do that." Brett said, taking some of her stuff from her hands and putting it back where it had been. "I did this I'll move my stuff." He told her, before moving around her.

(Y/N) couldn't believe what had just happened. Sure he had been acting odd but she never would have guessed that this was coming. This had come out of nowhere, and now she was left alone. First Winston, an ally and a close friend, went home and now she had lost the closest thing to love she had had in years.


Weeks passed and neither Brett or (Y/N) spoke to each other. They didn't target each other but they certainly had went allies. But now came Thursday and (Y/N) was sitting on the block next to Rockstar. Long story short, Sam won HOH and was trying to backdoor (Y/N) because she had been the only person to call Sam out after her speech a few weeks ago Erin nominating Hayleigh and Kaitlyn.

Brett had been campaigning all week for (Y/N) to stay. Of course he wanted her around. He hadn't broken things off because he didn't care about it, he had done it because he cared too much. His relationship with Winston had gotten him evicted and the last thing Brett wanted was for (Y/N) to share the slaw fate.

Brett knew that he had probably ruined all his chances of getting (Y/N) back, but he was okay with that if it got both of them closer to the prize. He only hoped that after watching the season she would figure out why he had done what he did. Maybe that would get her back.

Julie's voice pulled Brett from his own mind, "- by a vote of 4 to 2-" She then paused, and Brett held his breath. "Rockstar, you are evicted from the Big Brother house." (Y/N) was staying, she was safe another week.

Brett then realized how panicked he was to lose her, even though she wasn't his. He knew he had made a mistake, he also knew that (Y/N) would be so mad at him for ruining their relationship when he was trying to protect her. She would tell him that she could protect herself and that he had no right to make that decision for her.

"Hey (Y/N)." Brett said as she went to go unpack her bag in the pink room, where she had been sleeping since they broke up.

She looked up, startled that by Brett's voice. It felt good to hear him say her name but why now? He hadn't spoken to her in weeks so there was no reason for him to come running just because she almost went home.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked her, his eyes diverting to where he hands had paused their motion of packing.

The last time she had heard those words come out of his mouth was also the last time she spoke to him, "Uh sure." (Y/N) said casually, as if it didn't matter what Brett said. Maybe it was too late.

"I'm really glad you're still here." Brett admitted, playing with his fingers in front of him, "And I think I made a mistake." He said a little quieter than he had previously spoken.

(Y/N) wasn't sure what to say, she was frozen with one hand in her bag and the other on the bed. "Okay." She said, unable to find the correct words to say to him. Weeks ago they would sit anywhere in the house and talk for hours, now they seemed incapable of having the simplest of conversations.

Brett scuffed, "Look (Y/N) I'm sorry alright?" He admitted, "I didn't mean a word of what I said a few weeks back, I only said those things because I was afraid that our relationship would ruin your game. I mean Winston had just gone home because he had gotten too close to me and I couldn't let that happen to you." Brett explained, his hands tugging at the edges of his T-shirt.

(Y/N) looked at Brett quizzically, it was all so much to process. She hadn't done anything to ruin their relationship, he had broken it off because he was afraid to cost her the game. (Y/N) wasn't sure if she was flattered or pissed. Part of her understood where he was coming from and how sweet it was. But another part of her wanted to smack him for putting her through that heartbreak.

"So you didn't mean what you said about us not working out?" (Y/N) asked, still not quit understanding what was happening. She had almost excepted that there was no future was she and Brett, and here he was telling her that she cared about her.

Brett chuckled, "No I didn't." He said, taking a small step towards her. For the first time in weeks she didn't flinch when he came close to her, "I only said those things because I wanted to protect you but seeing you on the block tonight-" He paused, "I'm sorry." Brett said finally.

(Y/N)'s face tugged up on one side to form a half smile, "I can take care of myself." She told his as (Y/N) placed her arms up and around Brett's neck.

He smiled and pulled her into him. Brett had missed her, her smell her touch- everything about her. Hugging her was like coming up and smelling fresh air after nearly drowning. He was so glad that his stupid plan didn't cost him one of the best things he had even had.

Word Count: 1400

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-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

Instagram: @agent.fangirl

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