Scottie - Amusement Park

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"Come on Scottie." (Y/N) mumbled while standing at the front gate of the amusement park. She looked down at her watch, it was five minutes until he was supposed to be here. Of course (Y/N) has shown up twenty minutes early, because she was so excited to see Scottie but maybe he wasn't as excited to see her.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" A familiar voice yelled from a distance. (Y/N) turned on her heels to look where her name was being shouted. She smiled as she saw Scottie jogging towards her.

"Hi." She said as he engulfed her in a hug, Scottie lifted her up in the air and spun her around.

Scottie smiled against the side her neck as he set her back down, "I missed you." He told her, smiling widely at her. The two hadn't seen each other in just about a month now, so they had planned this trip to go to an amusement park together. They had spent many nights FaceTiming and planning this trip.

"I missed you too." She said, "Here let's go in." (Y/N) said pointing over her shoulder at the entrance, with a line about twenty people long. Scottie nodded as (Y/N) dragged him by the hand towards the gate.


"Come on Scottie it's not that big." (Y/N) said as she pulled Scottie towards a large roller coaster.

"(Y/N) that thing is huge!" He said nervously, obviously not used to this large of an amusement park.

She sighed, "Fine we can go on something else." (Y/N) mumbled in defeat, not wanting to force him to do anything he didn't want to do. She then started walking towards the next closest ride.

Scottie chuckled and reached for (Y/N)'s hand, "I said it was huge not that I wouldn't ride it." He commented as he ran his finger across the back of her hand.

(Y/N) jumper with joy as she then started dragging Scottie up the ramp towards the ride. He quickly follows behind her, laughing at how excited she was.


"Thank you." Scottie said to the ice cream vender in the park as she handed him two twist cones. Scottie then turned around to hand (Y/N) her ice cream but found her eyes scanning over all the rides, probably planning out where they would go next after the ice cream. "Here (Y/N)." He said getting her attention.

"Oh thank you." She said, taking the cone from him and moving to where they could sit.

"Yeah no problem." Scottie said sitting next to her at the table. (Y/N) rested her head on her hand while eating her ice cream. "Okay so where do you want to go next?" Scottie asked.

(Y/N) didn't hear what Scottie said, she was too busy focusing on the girls at the next table over that were staring and giggling at Scottie. Her eyes were narrowed at them but they weren't paying any attention to her. How rude, she thought. (Y/N) couldn't believe that those girls girls had the nerve to sit there and stare at him when it was quit clear that she was here with him, well they weren't together but still.

Scottie waved his hand in front of (Y/N)'s face in attempt to get her attention, "Hey." He said, finally snapping her out of her trance. She blinked rapidly before looking from the table of girls to where Scottie was staring at her with a look of pure confusion. "Are you okay, I kind of lost you there for a minute?" Scottie asked her, taking another lick of his ice cream.

"Oh yeah um- I'm fine." (Y/N) said, trying to smile at Scottie but it came out as a forced smile.

Scottie narrowed his eyes, "(Y/N) no you're not-"

"Hi?" A small voice said from behind Scottie.

Scottie and (Y/N) both looked behind Scottie's shoulder to see a girl, probably early twenties with long brunette hair and large green eyes. Scottie seemed startled by the girl, surprised that she was even talking to him.

"Hi." He said quietly, still not sure what to say when girls spoke to him.

"I was just came over to give you my number, you should call me some time." The girl said handing Scottie a napkin before winking and walking back to her table.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes and looked down at the table. Scottie looked down at the napkin in his hand for the longest time before he looked up at her. Part of him was excited that someone was interested in him but another part of him was confused. Scottie looked up at (Y/N) and saw the sour look on her face.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) I know that was really rude-"

"Ok Scottie." (Y/N) said coldly, she knew that wasn't that the best response. Scottie was apologizing for the girl and (Y/N) was being rude to him.

"(Y/N) what-"

She sighed heavily, "I'm sorry Scottie." She said rubbing her hands over her face. There was no reason for her to be this upset. They weren't together and Scottie had every right to call whoever he wanted, "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." (Y/N) admitted, rubbing her hand over the back of his.

"I'm not gunna call her." Scottie said staring at (Y/N), who seemed to refuse to look up at him. "Why would I call her when I love someone else?"

(Y/N) lofted her head so quick that she was sure that she would get whiplash, "What?" She whispered, her yes wide and glossed over at the idea of Scottie with someone else.

"I'm in love with you (Y/N)." Scottie said, causing her to take in a deep breath. "I thought it was pretty obvious." He said rubbing the side of his head, scared that she would just tell him that she didn't feel the same and that he should call her.

"I'm in love with you too Scottie." (Y/N) mumbled, moving closer to Scottie. Scottie then tossed his arm over her shoulders and pulled her closer to him.

Word Count: 1039

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-the houseguest
-you gender
-house situation(HOH and stuff)
-anything else you want me to know

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