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"Where is he, Lucas?" Where is who? Anxiety? Since we're asking questions. I have a question for you. if both of you are half of the same person, does that make you partners or brothers? ANd does that make... the guy your parts of... your father? They're honest questions. I smiled at myself. It's not like they can actually hear me. I looked At Draak and Lucas. Lucas looked like he was about to wet himself. They never explained anything to him, did they? I would never have either so... It makes sense. "LUCAS!"

"I-I DON"T K-KNOW. Ok? he just told me to head out. Said he'd meet me there or whatever." Draak slowly returned to his other form and Lucas backed up. Draak was pissed yes but I could tell it wasn't at Lucas... or A. It was himself he was upset at. I tried to reach out but my hand passed right through him. I cursed myself for forgetting again and just went and sat on the couch beside Patton. His glasses were slightly crooked and he just sat there in shock. Logan was just trying to take everything and was writing it all in a notebook. Not his usual one, unfortunately, but still. Old habits die hard, or in our case, they don't die at all.

"Sorry... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I'm just worried about him. After what happened the last time we were separated I just don't want him going at it alone and... it happen again. I'm scared it would be the last time." I watched as Roman pulled Draak backward into his arms. I saw everyone look around shocked as the lights blew out.

"You could've just told me to let you go."

"That wasn't me..." No shit, dimwit.

"Maybe it was an electrical short. This house isn't exactly up to code." Logan with the logical save. Not that it matters anyway. What are they going to do yell at me... shove me... hit me... You can't touch what isn't actually there. Same goes for the other way too. What isn't there... cannot touch what is. God damn rule of reality. I thought I was supposed to be able to bend it but I guess even I have rules I must follow. The simple fact that I'm even here is a bend in itself, watching as the boys go on they're own and do completely different things. I wasn't even fully aware they existed. I'm mean I knew something was... off. But that is about it when it comes to Virgil... Virgil, huh. That felt very weird to say.

Ok, ignoring that, why the hell was Roman getting so close with Draak. I forgave the kiss between him and Anxiety after all he thought it was... Virgil... GOD DAMN IT ROMAN! OPEN YOUR EYES. See past all the shit, you of all people... well besides Patton... Should be able to see things like that. I don't know why I'm so pissed anyway. Both A and Draak, together, are Virgil. So, why am I upset. Why am I...

Jealous? No... I'm not Jealous... am I? I can't be. I can't be jealous of them. It would be even more fucked up than being anxious over, well everything, but then again...

Whose more fucked up than me? Whose more fucked up than...

"Draak are you ok?" I looked up and saw Draak pull himself out of Romans arms. I went cold. I didn't even realize I felt warmth, to begin with. Now it was just cold. Cold and empty... I stood up and wrapped my arms around Roman. I knew I couldn't touch him. I knew... I just love to torture myself... no, that's not it... I just miss him. I'm just so cold... and lonely. It's times like this I wish I was in the dark but I'm not. Being everywhere they are... Feeling, knowing, seeing everything they see... But not being able to touch it, to be a part of it, I'm slowly losing my mind. If I haven't already, I just miss everything.

Why is it always me at the brunt of the world shit show? Why is it always me that gets pounded time and time again by the universe? Why is always me who fucks everything up with one choice? Why is it... Why is it always me?

"I'm fine I just... I'm worried about A."

"That can't just be it.."

"It's not. I'm worried about Virgil too."

"What do you..."

"This can't be easy on him." I move away and look at the floor. He knows, doesn't he? Of course, he knows. Out of the two of them, he knows everything.

"I don't think we understand your meaning."

"Virgil he... he can't be enjoying all of this." I look back and walk over to Draak. A small smile on my face. I looked into his eyes as they flicked around the room before resting on me. He couldn't see me. I know that. Even with his immense power, only Mind magicians have that possible ability. And if Logan can't see me, then I'm nothing more than a fleeting thought. "He has to be suffering."

"Kiddo?" Draak looked at his hands as it began to shake.

"I would be... If I was going through what he was."

Crushed~ BroKen Book 5Where stories live. Discover now