Roman (Ch.19)

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Was she really going to kill him? Her own son? What kind of a fucked up pers... Wait.

"HOWEVER... If she couldn't save him, she would save his soul."

"Virgil sweetie..."

"No mom. He said to be happy despite the sadness. He said love to yourself despite the hate. Laugh despite the crying and smile through the pain because the only one the matters, the only one who is worth the struggle is yourself and you should never push down any part of yourself for anyone one. I know he wasn't talking to me. He didn't even know I was there but... he believed in what he told the others. He cared enough to make sure the cared for themselves. I want to be able to say that I love me... All of me. Your my mother. You should..." in a flash Evanora was standing in front of him. I freaked out. She did it. She just stabbed her son... she just...

Wait, if this is the past and she just stabbed him... how was he alive in the future.

I looked down to find Draak gone. When I looked back at Virgil I was in shock. She did try to stab him but he blocked it... with his bare hand.

"Mother... I knew you had the knife. I just hoped it wasn't for me."Evanora stumbles back in shock. She dropped the knife and lifted her hands. Her eyes glowing green as she summoned an emerald cage around him.

"Mother? Why do you insist that I am evil? He blinks and his eyes went completely black, all of it just like Draaks. No, this was Draak. He was the one in control. His hair started whipping about and it too went all black. He lifted his own arm and I watched as his mark, the one that told him he was a sanders side, disappear from his wrist.

"Why does everyone hate me? Why does everyone think of me as a monster? What is so wrong with what I am? I can't help it, I can't change. I can't..." Evanora snapped and the cage began to shrink slowly. He just closes his eyes as his hand that was risen started to smoke up. He place it on the bars and it began to crack and weaken, until it shattered around him.


"I am not your mother." She stood tall as green smoke surrounded her. Her necklace began to glow and she blasted Draak/Virgil with the smoke. It surrounded him, lifting him into the air, causing him to choke as it took his air away. "My son is not a damn nightmare. You are nothing but a monster. I won't let you win."

"Mother... your right...I'm sorry." She slowly let him back down. She walked over to him, knife back into her hand. He just stood there. I wanted to yell. I wanted to save him but I couldn't. I was frozen in place.

"Virgil, you mean more to me than anything." She brought the knife up to his chest and began to cry. He still only stood there. "I'll make all the pain go away. That darkness won't ever hurt you aga..." She stopped and started wide eyed, blood falling from her mouth and a shadow tendril through her chest. "W...h...y?"

"Mother... I love you and... your right... I am a monster but... I'm sorry... I can't let you hurt him." The shadow tendril disappeared and Evanora fell. Virgil went back to how he normally looked and fell unconscious under shock of what just happened.

I felt that pull again and I watched as time itself changed around me. I noticed someone walking this way. He stopped and then ran picking Virgil up his his arms. He saw all the blood but smiled when Virgil started to cough. Coughing meant he was alive. I couldn't tell who it was but I knew it was ok. I felt only love from him.

"Mom... where..."

"Shh... it's ok. Your safe. I won't let anything else happen." The man looked over at the body of Evanora and frowned quickly moving Virgil away so he couldn't see it.

"But, my mom... she's..."

"Shh... don't look kiddo. Let your old man take you somewhere safe."

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