Her Hand

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Cameron POV

"Hey Mr. Tate." I walk into Aleyah's Dad's study.

"Cam, how are ya son." he takes his glasses of and sticks his hand out. I shake it. "Have a seat."

"Alright." I sit down. Silence fell over the room. I guess because I'm nervous.

"What brings you here, on a Tuesday evening."

"Well, I came to uh, I um." I take a deep breath.

"Go ahead." he says.

"I'm here to ask for Aleyah's hand in marriage." I finally say. He bursts out laughing, and he doesn't stop for a while. I just stare at him. "I shouldn't huh?"

"No no, I'm sorry. I just thought it was kinda old school for you to ask me for her hand, isn't that something you should be asking Aleyah."

"I uh thought maybe I should ask you before asking her."

"It's not the 50s Cameron."

"So is that a yes?"

"I mean, if she says yes than what do I have to do with it?"

"You're right." I laugh a little.

 "And Cameron?"

"Yes sir?"

"Hurt my little girl and you will regret the day you were born." he smiles.

"Oh um yes sir." I nod standing. I shake his hand one more time. "You think she'll say yes."

"Most definitely son."

"Thanks." I smile. I leave shutting the door behind me. I bump into Arianna. She spills her drink on me.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright." I try to move around her. She puts her hand on my chest. She pulls me down the hall to the den.

"No seriously, I want to fix that." She pushes me on the couch. I quickly stand back up. Lord help me this girl is strong. She pushes me back down, and climbs onto my lap.

"Really Arianna it's fine, I was just headed home any-"

"Shh." She puts her finger against my lip. She kisses me.

"Arianna stop it!" I push her down to the floor. She stares up at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry but don't do that again. I already know about you and Aleyah's situations, and I'm not one of those jerks that broke her heart, and I'm going to tell Aleyah about this." I walk out slamming the door behind me. The nerve of that slut.

When I got to the house, I immediately called Aleyah and told her what happened.

"So you're telling me you didn't do anything with her?"

"I swear. And if I did I wouldn't be telling you what happened right now, I wouldn't even bring any of it up."

"Okay." she sighs. "Are you sure she only kissed you?"

"I swear."

"Why were you even there?"

"I had to talk to your dad."

"For what?"

"I can't tell you right now." I sigh.

"So you're hiding things from me?"

"No Aleyah, it's just not a good time."

"Okay." she hangs up.

Aleyah POV

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