Accidents Happen

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Aleyah POV

I decided to go visit my parents today. I mean being due in a week is scary, and I'm pretty should their words of encouragement would get me through. When I got there no one was there but Arianna. This bitch. I just sit on the couch ignoring her presence.

"So, you look.. Huge." she smiles arrogantly. I take a deep breath breath and fake a smile myself.

"Thanks, you look like you gained a few pounds yourself. Mine is due to pregnancy what is your excuse again?"

"Cute. I wonder why that boy still puts up with you. What's his name again?"


"Oh yeah. The cutie Cameron." She smiles sitting across from me. "Hmm reminds me of the old days."

"Listen Ari, you should really grow up. Just because you have slept with my previous boyfriends don't mean Cameron will fall for your slutty tricks."

"Well Aleyah you should know more than anyone that I always get what and who I want."

"Look, I can't deal with this at the moment. So, let me know when you're not here. Then I can pay Mom and Dad a little visit. Okay? Okay." I get up and go out the door. I was just driving when I noticed an unfamiliar car following me. I just keep going, and to make sure I wasnt going crazy, I turn left, and so does the car. The car rams into the back of mine. I speed up, what the hell is going on? It just pulls up beside me and hits my car last time before I go rolling down hill into a ditch. I see blood, and then nothing at all.

Cameron POV

I was sitting in the lunch room with my boys except for Randy who says he was sick, when all of a sudden Rayna runs in. She was crying her eyes. We all jump to her.

"It's Aleyah, she's on her way to the hospital" She says between sobs. "Cameron she's dying." she buries her head in Trey's chest. I just leave the school as fast as I could, and get in my car. I felt tears burn my eyes. What happened that fast I just saw her this morning. Was Madelyn okay? When I get there they were just carrying her on a stretcher through the E.R.. They were moving fast, but I saw her limp body laying there.

"Aleyah!" I run to her, only to be stopped by the guards. "She's carrying my baby!" I yell.

"Just wait here son, please we have to take her to the ICU. I'm sorry." the woman behind the desk comes over to calm me down. I take a seat, crying. What if I lost both of them. I cried and cried scared out of my mind. I guess I had fallen asleep, because Aleyah's Mom shakes me. I quickly jump up.

"Is she okay? Can I see her."

"Yes she is. She just asked to see you." she nods. She walks me down this hall, and I couldn't help but shake at the thought we had lost Madelyn. I walk over to her.

"Cameron." she says softly. She has a big bandage over her head.

"Oh my God Aleyah." I kiss her face over and over again. "Where's Madelyn?"

"The doctors have her." Her Mom says. "She's okay. She's healthy." She smiles with tears in her eyes. I drop my head with a sigh of relief, tears blurring my vision again. "I'll leave you two alone."

"Were you crying?" she looks into my eyes. I nod, holding her hand in mine.

"I thought I had lost you and Maddie." I kiss her lips. "Baby, what happened to you?"

"Someone ran me off the road. On purpose."

"Did you see who it was?"

"No, it was a black car, and the windows were tinted. They followed me." She shakes her head.

"Baby I'm here okay. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you sweetheart. You or Madelyn I promise." I kiss her hand. The Nurse walks in.

"You must be Cameron." she was holding a pink blanket. She came closer still adoring my baby girl.

"Yes ma'am I am." I nod. She places Madelyn in my arms I almost melt at how beautiful she looked.

"There was no damage at all. You're really lucky." she smiles. "I'll be back with paperwork and whatnot." She smiles leaving. Madelyn was asleep, she had on a pink onesie, and a little hat with bow on it, and her lips were slightly pouted.

"You're so beautiful." I smile.

"Let me see her." Aleyah smiles. I place her in Aleyah's arm, and Aleyah immediately starts crying. "Cameron she's beautiful!" she sobs. "This is our baby." she nods all emotional. I smile.

"Yes it is."

It was 4 oclock in the afternoon and my baby girl has finally had all of her test done and all the paper work was done, now we just had to stay here a couple days to make sure nothing goes wrong with either of them. Aleyah was asleep, and I was feeding Madelyn. There was a knock on the door, and my mom walks in.

"Oh my God. What happened. Is that my granddaughter?"

"Shhh, Aleyah just went to sleep."

"Oh- she's precious. Madelyn fits her. You father's on his way." she lifts her from my arms, "You look tired baby." she rubs my back with her free hand.

"I am."

"You should go rest."

"I don't wanna leave them here alone."

"They won't be alone Cameron. You need to rest to be fully attentive to Madelyn."

"Alright. I'm just gonna go to Aleyah's shower and take a nap, I'll bring her bag back." I kiss Madelyn softly. "Tell Aleyah I will be back whenever she wakes up."

"Alright. Bye honey."

"Bye." On my way to Aleyah's I notice her car being pulled out of a ditch it was destroyed. I couldn't believe what she had told me. Who would intentionally do this to her? Aleyah has never hurt anyone as far as I know.

Aleyah POV

When I woke up, all my friends and family were in there adoring my baby girl. She was absolutely gorgeous, and it was a miracle she had survived that accident.

"Oh my God Aleyah you're okay!" Rayna comes over and hugs me. Her eyes were puffy. "I thought you were a goner!" she hugs me.

"I'm okay!" I laugh. "Just had a slight concussion."

"Poor baby." Cameron's Mom kisses my cheek. "The baby is beautiful."

"Thanks she has Cameron's eyes." I smile looking over at Andy and Alex and Cam's little sister cooing at her.

"Yeah she does."

After everyone had left, it was around 8 oclock at night, and Cameron just walked in, in his sweatpants and tshirt. I smile at his comfort, I loved how comfy looks on him.

"Hey baby." He kisses me. "I brought you a chicken sandwhich, and french fries, and your favorite, Vanilla milkshake."

"Cam that's your favorite."

"Yeah, I know but I already ate and I figured that if you didn't want your milkshake I could have it."

"Shut up." I laugh. He just smiles, and walks over to the bed thing Madelyn was asleep in.

"My baby is perfection." he leans down and kisses her.

"You say that now." I laugh. As of now, I don't have a care in the world.


A/N: That is Baby Madelyn, isn't she angelic!

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