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Derek's p.o.v

"We are going to die. "Scott hung his head hopelessly. We were all hanging by our arms in the boys locker room at the high school. Scott lost all hope in everything, Isaac was trying to remind him that everything was okay,and me...well I just hung there silently wondering what Stiles was doing.I know what Mr.Argent was going to do.He was going to torture us everyway possible until we had barely any life left, give us our final words and kill us.

But I had this tiny bit of hope one of us would live and take care of Stiles . preferably me but I have no clue what he might do.So until Mr.argent comes back with his 'Tools'  I'm stuck with these arguing idiots.

Stiles p.o.v

"STILES!"Someone shouted from the street.I turned my head and guess who it was? "Son, what are you doing?  Where's Derek? Isn't he  supposed to be watching you?"DING! DING! DING! DADDY STILINSKI!!!

Should I tell him the truth?

NO! he'll think you're insane.

But he could help?...

Derek will never forgive you for this.


IF you save his ass.

Oh, shut up Stiles we're saving him.

"Well...Dad...Derekwaskidnappedor...Wolfnapped???alongwithscottandisaacbymr.ArgentbecauseDerekhurtAlisonandkilledhergrandfathersonow I HAVE TO SAVE THEM!!!"I explained . Of course dad gave me the 'Stiles talk slower no comprendo face' and I sighed.

"Have you seen Mr.argent or not?"I asked a little pissed."Yeah, he just went to the high school."Dad answered."Great! I'm headed there, don't follow me okay."I said.

"Stiles wait,"He took my arm." safe okay?"He asked.I looked at him questionably. Could he know about were wolf's? ...of course not he just cares for my well being. I smiled. "Okay dad."Then started running off to the school

Derek's p.o.v (A/N:Sorry again for the constant p.o.v changes)

"Any last words?"Mr . Argent asked.We were all to weak to speak.But some how I knew what they were trying to say when they held hands.I wish I could do the same with Stiles to let him know I love him."No last words?"He asked with that evil smirk.Might as well say it.

"" "DEREK!"We all heard Stiles scream to the top of his lungs.He came,I smiled, he actually came to save us."Ugh, stay here."Mr.Argent demanded.OH NO HE'S GOING TO HURT STILES!!! please be okay Sti, be okay.

Stiles p.o.v(A/N:Remember I said sorry)

I went running through the school . Of course being chased by Mr.Argent."Great idea stiles,"I ran past the gym. "Screaming derek's name when your trying not to be caught GENIUS!"I yelled at myself.Okay Stiles find a place to hide, find a place to-THE GIRLS LOCKER ROOM! I ran inside and croached down so he wouldn't see me through the glass.

"Please don't walk in please."I whispered to myself and just like the great hunter he is...he walked straight pass the door. Ok, the girls locker room leads you straight into the gym.I just need to find Derek oh...and the other boys.Yeah them to...but Derek first.

"DEREK!"I whisper shouted.

"St-sti-stiles!"I heard a weak voice call.Derek! it was coming from the boys locker room.I ran into the boys locker room to see Derek, Scott and Isaac hanging from the ceiling. "Derek!"I exclaimed in happiness as I threw my arms around him."Jesus what happened to you!?"I still got now reply.His eyes were shut and no words were coming out of his mouth.

What happend to my SOURWOLF!?!?

A/N:AND....ULTUMITE CLIFF HANGER!!! I know I'm being a terrible human being but I've had an event full summer . I'm sorry I love you!! pfft like you didn't already know. Live love laugh and listen to sleeping with sirens I ship Kellic ;)

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