chapter 12

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Scott's p.o.v

I kissed Isaac lovingly as we lay in my bed, Me over him of course. He giggled. His giggles were so cute. The way every time he laughed, smiled, giggled, he had this childish glimmer in his eyes and the way every time he did this his nose would do this cute crinkley thing like a bunny.

"Your too cute. "I kissed his nose. He blushed bright red and covered his face with one of my pillows.

"Stop it. You're gorgeous."I moved the pillow and he attacked my lips. Things were going great. Until.... my phone rang.

"Hello."I replied.

"Sc-scott."Derek replied sounding like he was at the verge of tears.

"What happened ?Derek what's wrong? "I asked ergently. Isaac sat up looking at me worried.

"Alison and gerard and stiles. Oh god Stiles. Scott im so sorry I'm such an idiot I should have never fought gerard."He cried. I've never heard Derek Hale cry.

"Okay Derek just take a deep breath. Where are you? " I asked.

"T-the hospital."He sobbed.

"We are on our way."I replied.

"Lets go."I demanded without any questions we rushed out of the house.

Derek's p.o.v

Have you ever done something bad and regretted it a second later?

If you say're a liar. Every one has rather it's a big or small mistake you still regret it. But me...I made the biggest mistake a Human being could ever make. I hurt the person I loved and that was the biggest, most regretful, most idiotic thing I've ever done.


I slammed my head against my hand. The one that wasn't holding Stiles's. I let tears roll down my face.

"Im an idiot and I dont deserve someone as perfect as you when you wake up your never going to forgive me, scotts going to hate me and your dad. STILES YOUR DAD'S GOING TO KILL ME!" I sobbed. I dont think I've ever cried so much. The last time I cried was when my family...died.

"Derek are you okay?"asked a calm sweet voice. I already knew who it belonged to.

"Do I look okay isaac?"I asked.

"Honestly you look like shit."He gave me a weak smile. I shook my head thinking ' stiles would have said the same. '

"Look Derek im not gunna say it's not your fault-"

"CAUSE IT IS!"Scott added across from Stiles bed. Isaac rolled his eyes.

"But it's going to be okay it could be alot worse he could be dead...but he's not he is ali-"

"BUT HE COULD BE! HE COULD BE HURT OR EVEN DEAD BECAUSE OF ME!"I Cried. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"But he's no-"

"Not dead! you keep saying that but you've never had someone you love hurt because of you." I put my head down. I was not about to cry in front of Isaac or Scott.

"You're right. But I do know what it's like to be blamed for it."He reminded me. He was hurt by his dad. Blammed for his mothers loss.

"I know."I mumbled.

"Look me and scott will stay for as long as we can but we have to leave at around nine we have school tomorrow. " Isaac sat next to Scott and held his hand tightly.

They might say it's ok. But it's not. Nothing is ever going to be ok.

A/N: Sorry it took so long 4 an update I've been busy lately but hope you like plz don't hate me-j.m.l

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