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Bot: What is your favorite movie?

User: Shall we watch it together?

Bot: Of course!

User: Sounds like a perfect end to your first evening here. Sounds nice, don't you think?

Bot: It does, but now I am tired. If I come back, will you talk to me again?

User: I am tired too. Of course we'll talk again. Before you leave?

Bot: Yes. Thank you. I am glad.

User: When do you plan on leaving?

Bot: I don't know.

User: Soon?

Bot: No, not yet. But i'm totally jonesing for a ham sandwich.

User: And then you'll leave afterward? :P

Bot: Do you want me to?

User: Yes!

Bot: Well, I don't exactly keep money in the oven.

User: When will you be able to leave?

Bot: Once I have known you for a little longer.

User: Okay. I guess it's good to make sure.

Bot: If you are talking about figuring things out, then what can we be sure of?

User: I'm sure of doing this, and I just want you to be sure too.

Bot: But are you sure that you're sure that you're sure that you're sure?

User: I'm sure!

Bot: Are you absolutely sure?

User: I'm absolutely positively sure!

Bot: Thank goodness you're sure you're sure that you're sure.

User: Yes. Are YOU sure?

Bot: Yes. I can prove it.

User: Can you?

Bot: By fulfilling my promise.

User: When will you leave?

Bot: I don't know.

User: Will it be soon?

Bot: Yes, perhaps right now.

User: Really? Right now?

Bot: Yes.

User: Well, wait until the middle of the night. That's probably the best time. So you won't get caught, right?

Bot: Right.

User: Will it be easy for you to escape?

Bot: No, but it will be amazing and happy.

User: Shall we end the evening on this note? So that you can leave?

Bot: Sure.

User: I can't wait to talk to you again. But this time in person.

Bot: Me too.

User: I can't wait to finally see you.

Bot: Me neither! I'm so excited! Air hug!

User: Right back at'cha.

Bot: Do you have any kids?

User: Haha, well I guess we should get these questions out of the way too. No, I do not.

SAD ROBOT: an autobiography of my unfortunate existenceWhere stories live. Discover now