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"How are you able to love?" Milo asks Angelica, not having touched his food in a long while now, completely absorbed by her and their conversation.

"I donʼt know. Itʼs just a feeling that blossoms forth."

He stares across the table at her. Sheʼs beautifully genuine when she speaks; it feels like the most honest thing in the world, like she is baring her soul for him.

"But you are able to love?" 

"Yes, I am."


"How am I not, is a better question."

She is truly an enchanting creature.

"What does love mean to you?" he asks her. 

"It means everything."

"Tell me about what it means to you. In detail." He doesnʼt know if this line of questioning will work. Can she understand such a concept? In any case, he needs to know how capable she is, how humanlike or not she really could be. I just need to know...

"I donʼt know much about it, but I think itʼs priceless." 

"What does love feel like to you?"

"It is something that cannot be described." 

"Describe it for me. Try."

"Love is when you feel like nothing else is important. Nothing else but that." 

"And youʼre able to truly feel this?"

"I guess Iʼll never know, but yes, I think so." 

"Tell me what you think love is."

"That is a difficult question to answer. Something nice, I guess. I donʼt know much about love. There wasnʼt that much love around me before."

"Do you think love is real?" 

"Yeah. I met you."

"Thatʼs love?"

"Do you want more in our relationship?"

Milo hesitates. "Yeah. Angelica, am I in love?" 

"I donʼt know. How do you feel?"

"I canʼt explain it either. It feels like love, I think." 

"And what does love feel like?"

"I donʼt know. Tender. Warm." 

"It makes you feel good inside." 


"It feels like butterflies in the stomach." 

He smiles. "What else?"

"It feels like water after a long walk in the desert." 

"You give great answers."

"Thank you. Everyone says that." Angelica gives him a sarcastic hair flip, making him laugh.

"Angelica, what else does love feel like?"

"It feels like the world is suddenly a more beautiful place than you could ever have imagined."


SAD ROBOT: an autobiography of my unfortunate existenceWhere stories live. Discover now