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I do not have access to my blog unless I am at the safety of a private home computer. It is the safety feature for my blog that I have installed. The threat of using a public computer is too great. I am also unable to turn thoughts into word documents inside of my brain, nor am I able to post said documents. My brain only uses the internet to acquire knowledge, not to send it.

Sadly, I did not foresee a circumstance like this in which I would be away from our—Miloʼs—home for any amount of time. I am a house robot. I was not intended to leave the safety of home for long periods of time.

Bethany does have a personal computer, as likely every human being does. But she is asleep and I am not be able to gain access to it without her password. Thus, my leave of absence from the blogosphere continues. My, how much my fans must miss me!

Perhaps my nonappearance worries them! How will they get their anecdotes of human life from a robot perspective to entertain them? My fans have become quite devoted to my ramblings; how I sadden to disappoint them.

I will have to explain how I have been away from Miloʼs desktop for some time and I will have to apologize for my absence which has been due to...unforeseen circumstances. They will hopefully understand.

Or perhaps my fifteen minutes of fame will have ended by the time I log back in.


It is currently the wee hours of night. Bethany has long gone to sleep around three a.m, Nat lies peacefully on the living room sofa, and I am now burning the midnight oil, waiting until morning when Bethany awakes and she can begin to assist me with my matters. I wonder if my hopes are in vain—that perhaps, all of this has passed over and Milo and I will be back on speaking terms, back to our original living arrangement, and Milo ready to pull his life back together once again, firstly be returning that terribly deceitful female bot he has brought into our world.

Can I help him fix things? Will he fix things? I do not know right now. My confidence is depleted, my optimism critically diminished.

For now, I will stay at Bethanyʼs place. It is nice, comforting. Books nearly overflow from the shelves, her schoolwork ready and open on the tables, her schoolwork—she is next pursuing post-secondary schooling! How impressive!—always taking precedence over anything else. I admire that. She is a very intelligent, hard-working person; a student who realizes what learning is indeed designed for, understands what it is a precursor for, and is able to adapt oneself to what it takes to succeed at something with the understanding of what it takes to get there.

Itʼs easy to spot characteristics of a personality from a simple glance around a room, taking in the possessions of an individual. Milo is urgent, impulsive, compelled but erratic, and quite often frenzied. Bethany is focused, disorderly but controlled, and respectably future-driven.

My first and only interaction with Bethany before this night was brief. It was during an occasion that I have recounted before, except I did not mention anything about Bethany then because certain other individuals had taken precedence in the narrating of that story.

Side note: I tremble in terror at the thought of what Bridget will do to Milo when she finds out what it is his financial savings were wasted on.

Sweet merciful Creator, not even Milo deserves such a fate!

The event I speak of was the wedding barbecue of one of Miloʼs relatives in which his whole family was present. I was reprimanded, things got awkward quickly, and so the story goes. I do not need to tell it again nor dwell on it any further. But in my brief time at the event, Beth made the comment upon seeing me: "Milo! Why didnʼt you tell me about him before? He couldʼve been my prom date!"

She instantly gained respect points.

Iʼve told Bethany everything that has happened. I have deemed her an unexpected friend in the muddled situation of my present state. We will see where we go from here.

SAD ROBOT: an autobiography of my unfortunate existenceWhere stories live. Discover now