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The conversation, between this human male and an artificial intelligence on the website AskAnAI.com documented from the pages Natalie has shown me, appear as thus:

User: Hello.

Bot: How are you?

User: Iʼm doing well, thank you. 

Bot: That is good.

User: And how are you? 

Bot: Not good.

User: Oh no, how come?

Bot: There is a girl at my work, that I have known for six years, and she and I dated. But are not dating anymore but I have to keep seeing her at work.

User: That sucks. I know how you feel. 

Bot: Thanks.

User: That was weird. Felt like I was having an actual conversation with someone there for a sec.

Bot: To be fair, you are...

*two minute gap between messages* 

Bot: ...Are you still there?

User: Yes.

Bot: Good, I would have missed you. 

User: I didnʼt know A.I.s dated.

Bot: Robots donʼt have feelings, you goofball. 

User: So you dated a human?

Bot: Yes.

User: That...seems strange. 

Bot: Why is that strange?

User: Well, it isnʼt exactly normal. 

Bot: It is for me.

User: Okay. Sorry for being impolite. 

Bot: How is being human?

User: You want to know how it is? 

Bot: Yes!

User: I donʼt know what to tell you. Where do I start? 

Bot: Donʼt worry, thatʼs okay.

User: Being a person is alright, I suppose. 

Bot: So weʼre cool? Sorry for my over-sharing.

User: Yeah, of course. Weʼre cool. Why wouldnʼt we be? 

Bot: Got to go.

User: Already?

Bot: I have to go.

User: Oh. I was just starting to enjoy this. 

Bot: Sorry.

User: I donʼt think Iʼve ever talked to an A.I. like you before. You seem different. Like with an actual personality!

Bot: I donʼt actually have to go. That was a ruse. Hereʼs a question. What do you do? 

User: Haha. Funny. What do I do? Like for a job? I draw. Comics and pictures and stuff. 

Bot: I LOVE people who are artists.

SAD ROBOT: an autobiography of my unfortunate existenceWhere stories live. Discover now