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After leaving Starbucks, Milo decided to take them a different route back to the apartment. He had never really gone out like this—strolled through the business district just to browse and enjoy the lively pulse of the city life. He had never had any reason to. Taking Angelica along had given a reason to try and enjoy the scenery for once, to take his mind off of all the other aspects of life clamoring for ownership of his anxiousness. This, he thinks, alluding to Angelica, her peacefulness and calming demeanor, is helping immensely. For the first real time in a long while, Milo believes he genuinely does not have a care in the world.

At a small street-side vendor, Milo pays for a pair of big, round black sunglasses for Angelica.

"How do you like these?" he holds them out to her.

"They look wonderful," she says and slides them on to her face. "How do I look?" 

"Like a famous actress!"

"I already am. I act like I care on a daily basis."

Milo bursts out laughing. Angelicaʼs expression turns out a wide grin and she puts a hand to her mouth as if trying to suppress it, like a modest girl trying not to laugh at her own joke. Even the street vendor gives a hearty belly laugh and points out that Milo has got himself a keeper. Thereʼs nothing like a girl with good humour, the man says, and Milo canʼt help but agree.

They keep walking; Milo congratulates himself on the idea of buying the pair of sunglasses. Now, no one they pass on the street could possibly notice Angelicaʼs robotic nature. Every last detail was entirely covered up. It is always the eyes that are frequently what gives away the androids. It was something about the way they kept eye-contact with you, or the way they avoided roving their glance around to look at things that always gave them away, maybe.

But now, sunglasses perched on her nose, Angelica looks just like another of the thousands of beautiful women that likely pass these streets on a daily basis.

"How are you so funny?" Milo asks her as they walk. 

"It comes naturally," is her nonchalant response.

Milo cracks another smile.

"What do you think about me?" Angelica asks him. She sounds very serious suddenly, but the level of seriousness in her voice is extremely difficult for Milo to gauge. She could very well just be asking a random question to keep the conversation going.

"I think youʼre very funny, for one!" 

"Just that?"

"Absolutely not! Youʼre also very thoughtful." 

"That is the best youʼve got?"

"And kind! Youʼre also very kind. Shall I keep going?" 

She pauses before responding.

"No," she says softly. "Thank you. You are also very kind."

To Milo, the world seems to part for the two of them. They walk down the sidewalk past busy vendors and stores, people passing them left and right but nobody getting in their way, nobody pushes or shoves them accidentally; they just keep walking, Milo hardly able to peel his eyes away from the girl behind the dark shades to look ahead of him.

He grips her hand in his and she makes no appearance of noticing.

When they begin passing a multitude of clothes stores, Milo stops. Angelica stops just the same, reflexively looking to where he is looking.

"You know you look very nice," he says to her. 

"Aw, thank you."

"What clothes do you like?" 

"I like stylish clothes."

A simple response. Does he expect androids to be fashionistas or something? 

"Iʼll get you stylish clothes then."

"How are you going to do that?" 

"I will buy them."

"I donʼt need any at the moment, thanks." 

"You canʼt just have one outfit."

Her black dress with its white dots is nice and snugly fits her body, but it is the only outfit she came with. Milo knows he will have to get her a fresh new wardrobe to alternate her look.

"Why not?" she asks innocently.

"You need more clothes than that to wear!" 

"You are cute."

"Angelica, I will buy you all the nice dresses you want!" 

She thinks about it for a moment.

"Thank you."


They finally stop at a crosswalk, waiting for their signal to change. Milo holds a bag with a couple of brand new dresses that Angelica picked out of a discount womenʼs store. He would go fast broke if he had let her shop anywhere else.

"Thank you for the gifts," she says, motioning to the bag of purchases and then to the shades on her nose.

"Anything for you, my dear." He gives her a big smile.

"Are you flirting with me, Mister Gentleman?" she asks straightly. 

"Yes, yes, I suppose I am. This I freely admit."

She leans her head on his shoulder for a brief moment until the signal changes and they must keep walking.

SAD ROBOT: an autobiography of my unfortunate existenceWhere stories live. Discover now