Chapter 29

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"I'm only staying for a couple of hours and I won't be drinking, got it?" I said to Niall who greeted me by the door and he looked shocked but just shrugged it off. I didn't feel comfortable leaving Jen home, even though she said she's gonna spend some time with nana and Amy. I know they'll be watching some movies and talking about babies but still, leaving her there and me being here.. Nope.

I walked further to the house and greeted all the people I knew, even Cindy and Zayn who were walking hand in hand to get something to drink. I wish Jenna could be here.

"Styles! You made it!" Liam greeted me happily and I just nodded, sitting on the sofa next to Mark. The last time I sat here was when I was making out with Cindy just to piss off Jenna.

"Yeah, whatever, I won't be for long anyway"

"Ooh, is the bad boy starting to act like a daddy already" Niall chuckled and I just glared at him, shaking my head.

"Shut up" I snapped at him with a roll of my eyes, I don't even know why I'm here in the first place.

"How's things with Louise?" I smirked at Mark who sighed.

I bit my lip as I looked at him, waiting for an answer. "Good, I mean she's visiting England for three weeks now but otherwise things are going great"

I just nodded with a smile and patted his back, poor guy.

The house was packed with people but we were still in our own gang at the couch, there were many faces I didn't recognize but there were also many people who have been at every single party of ours. I guess this was kind of an goodbye party. Well it's not the last party of this year, but it's the last Christmas party with these people ever, since we are graduating this year.

I got up from the couch and took my phone from my pocket, dialing Jenna's number and walking to a room where I could talk with her in private.

"Hey" she answered after a couple of rings.

"Hey babe, how's it going?"

"It's great, I'm waiting for your nana and Amy to come, I'm making some tortillas now"

"Oh, that's nice. This party kinda sucks, it's not me and my life anymore" I sighed and Jenna chuckled.

"At least try to enjoy, just to make the boys happy. But I gotta continue cooking now, love you" her angelic voice greeted and I barely had the time to tell her I love her back before she already hung up.

I just shrugged and put the phone back to pocked and walked back to where I sat and watched them laughing at something begore they noticed I was back.

"Styles, just one beer, mate" Liam offered and I had a hard time saying no so I took one from his hand and opened it, things kind of felt like old times again. Well Jenna kind of told me to enjoy myself so I guess one beer couldn't hurt.

They all cheered at me and I just rolled my eyes. Just this one or I'll be a dead man.

2 hours later

"Hey, youuu" I slurred at the brunette, who I was holding against my side, my arm around her shoulder.

"Well, hello"

"What's your name beautiful?" I smiled and looked at her eyes, her pretty eyes.

"I'm Nikki" she chuckled and I looked at her adoringly, her long hair flowing over her chest in cute curls.

"Cool, I'm.. My name is Har.. Harry" I slurred again, this time looking up from her eyes and seeing Cindy watching me angrily.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and handed it to her. "Set your number here and I'll call you sometime" I smirked and watched as she tapped her number onto it, and I placed it back to my pocket.

use somebody // harry styles auWhere stories live. Discover now