Chapter 24

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"Do you think nana and Ben would do anything, uh, nasty at our apartment?" I asked Jenna while focusing on the road, quickly glancing at her.

"Harry, gash no, we won't be gone longer than an hour. We'll just picking up daddy and Amy from the train station. And they have some cooking to do, so stop overthinking"  Jenna giggled and placed her hand on my thigh, sgueezing it gently.

I just nodded, trying to collect my nerves, I have some talking to do with Jeremy and I'm not really looking forward to it, to be honest.

Even though Jenna's hand on my thigh wasn't helping at all, it was suddenly getting hot in this car and I glanced at Jenna, noticing the smirk on her lips. That woman will be the death of me.

I found a perfect parking spot immediately, near the entrance and Jen took a long breath before squeezing my thigh again, making me chuckle. "Don't worry, babe, he's gonna handle the news well."

Jenna rolled her eyes, muttering something quietly before getting out of the car and slowly beginning to walk away. I sighed, getting out aswell, grabbing the car keys and quickly walking to Jenna, lacing my fingers together with her.

If I would have known that life in a relationship would be like this, maybe I would have tried it before, but life with Jenna is all that I need. I would never go back to the time where I was partying and playing with girls. I have made my mistakes, but Jenna and our baby is not one of them.

We walked inside and we saw Amy already running to hug Jenna, while Jeremy was walking with their bags.

I pulled my hand gently off from Jenna's and shook hands with her father. "Sir" I nodded and Jeremy smiled warmly and turned to hug his daughter, when Amy pulled me into a hug.

I fucking hate these kind of family reunions, they are so boring. People just fake a smile and talk shit during the time together. So hypocrite.

I'm happy though that Jenna gets to spend her Christmas with the ones she love, because a year from now on, there's one more of us. A mini-me if it's a boy.


Finally after dinner and hours of acting happy I had the chance to ask Jeremy for a little walk.

"So.. Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

I cleared my throat and nodded, staring into distance. "Uh, yeah.. You know I love Jenna, right? I would never hurt her. I have messed up a few times, yes, but that has made us stronger" I started to look at Jeremy's eyes to know his reaction but he had this perfect poker face, so I continued. "I love her more than myself or my life, I always want to be the reason why she smiles, just like she is mine. So mr Mayer, Sir-"

"You have my blessing, Harold. I want to see my daughter happy and I truly have noticed that you make her happy. I don't personally support young marriage, especially when you have been together, what? Not even a year? I don't care, I want Jenna to have someone who loves her unconditionally, just like you. But I hope you're not asking this because she's pregnant or anything" Jeremy cut me off and I chuckled nervously.

I just nodded, it wasn't my job to tell about the baby, it was between Jenna and her dad.

And I wasn't going to propose because of the baby, anyways, it's because I want to show her about my changes, and marriage will most likely not be what I had expected.

I have always expected that everything would be completely shit, that there would be so much more commitment and arguments about everything, but just the fact that Jenna would officially be mine, makes me very happy in a sick way. I know I'm quite possessive about her, but just knowing that we could wake up every morning as mr and mrs Styles sounds pretty perfect to me.

We walked back to the apartment just talking about normal life and we were immediately greeted with laughter and a warm feeling, and I just nodded to Jeremy, and he silently agreed to keep it between us.

Even though hiding this will be so difficult, at least when I saw the curious looks in the eyes of our women.

{this chapter sucks and i suck, i know. i've been awfully busy and having a writer's block still sucks blah. i'm still very thankful of you guys, for struggling with me and still reading even when i'm not as active as i used to be. and about your comments, thank you for really commenting, i'm happy you're finally doing it and even when i don't have the time to answer on them, i still read every single one and i want you to keep commenting, fill my head with ideas and yeah. i love you so much, thank you ♥ xo}

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