Chapter 18

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I woke up shivering with coldness, just to discover that the reason was Harry missing from our bed, his body usually radiated so much warmth to mine. I groggily stood up and pulled my hair into a ponytail with a hairband I always keep on my wrist, just in case. I walked towards the living room, but stayed in the hallway when I heard Harry talking with someone.

"No, I'm not letting you pay for nana's tickets, I want her here, I'm gonna pay for it" Harry snorted and I guess he had finally opened Skype and called Ben.

"Oh, no, no, no. She's coming with me so of course I'm paying it. Come on, boy, let me make a good impression on your nana"

I let out a small giggle when I heard that one, I bet the guy is like sixty or something and still wants to make a good impression. That's supersweet really. I wish when we are in our sixties, Harry would still want to make a good impression on me, like he would take me on dates and stuff. Even though he doesn't take me on dates now, but maybe in the future he would. We need to work on that dating thing, we should really do something sometimes, not just sit at home and argue.

"Good morning, babe, come and meet Ben" Harry's voice suddenly stated, I guess he heard my giggle. I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room, to see Harry's head turned to meet me, but his eyes scanned through my body quickly.

"NO, get back" he suddenly yelled and my eyes widened and I quickly took a few steps back, was there something wrong with me or what?

"Uhm, Ben, fine you can pay for the tickets but make sure you comfort her during the flight, she hates flying. I guess I'll meet you in a week" Harry said unpleasantly and waved before shutting the laptop. He was quickly on his feet and striding towards me with his long legs.

I took a few steps back, just to be greeted with a wall and I stood there, waiting for his judgement.

"What now, Harry?"

"Nothing, I just didn't want that old perv to get the pleasure to look at you only wearing my shirt" he snorted and lifted his arms, placing them to the both sides of my head and pressing his body closely to mine.

My eyes widened even more as I gazed at my appearance and then lifted my eyes back to see Harry's green eyes piercing in to mine, his lips formed into a perfect smirk.

"Shut up, Styles, you're just enjoying it yourself"

"Of course I am, Jenna, you're my fucking girlfriend and there's nothing hotter than you wearing my shirt" he stated, his smirk widing even more and I just rolled my eyes before pulling his face down and pressing my lips to his into a heated kiss.


"Are you sure she wants this for Christmas? I mean sure, she always smells like Vanilla but still.."

"Harry, every woman wants perfume for Christmas. I mean, at least everyone I know.. There can't be too much of perfume and if you know she smells like Vanilla, then she will love that one. Just buy it for god's sake" I giggled and pressed a kiss to Harry's cheek, his frown growing even deeper, he wasn't sure what to buy for his nana and we have spent now three hours shopping for Christmas presents, and all I need anymore is a present for Harry. And Harry still needs to buy something for his nana and my dad.

I don't really know why he is buying something for my dad, since they are just getting to know eachother, and dad is not so sure about him, even though he just wants me to be happy, but anyways.

"Fuck, I'll just buy this and some shitty piece of jewelry, okay?"

I smiled and got up to my toes and kissed his lips. "Baby you are the most perfect boyfriend and grandson a woman can have."

"Well you have no choice but to live with me so.."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow, eyeing him curiously.

He cleared his throat and flashed a wide smile before explaining. "What I mean is, uh.. You know I wouldn't be able to live anymore without you, right? Or if we ever break up, I won't be able to love anyone else than you?"

"That's what you said to Louise too didn't you?" I rolled my eyes and a flash of darkness went through his eyes when he gave me a serious death glare, like he was trying to hold his anger.

"Yes and no but that's not my point. My point is, that when the situation is like that, we love eachother so much that we.. Uh.. That thingy in your stomach you know"

I tried to hold my laughter but failed miserably and began laughing hardly on our way to the cash register. His point was that I'm forced to live with him because of the baby. Cute but not cute.

"But seriously, about the Louise-thing.. Yes, I told that to her too, but back then, I was young and stupid, I didn't know what love was, you know? But now with you, it's such a scary but at the same time perfect feeling that I don't ever want to let it go."

My laughing stopped when he said the name Louise and his green eyes were staring at me so innocently that it nearly brought tears into my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, I couldn't care less if we were in the middle of the corridor of an perfume shop or not, the words he just said were nearly same as if he would have asked me to marry him. Well, not like exactly, but almost. Close enough.

He hugged me tightly and we stood there for a minute or two before we heard a camera's clicking noise and untangled ourselves to look around, some 15-years old girls looked at us like we were the cutest thing living and they had iPhones in their hands. Harry's eyes widened and he quickly pulled me with him to the cash register and paid for the perfume.

"Now to the fucking jewelry store and then we can go home from this shitty mall."

I rolled my eyes and followed him to the most expensive jewelry store in the whole mall, that boy really wants to buy something nice for his nana.

Harry began walking around the store, looking for necklaces while I stopped at the engagement ring section, curiously looking at those beautiful diamond rings. Even though I got pregnant and I'm carrying our child now, I'm still not expecting him to put a ring on my finger, I don't want to change his view of marriage if he doesn't really want to do it. After all, it really is his own decision whether to get married with me.

It's just normal girldream, to get married in princess style and get treated like one from her husband. Of course I would want to be a mrs Styles one day, but I'm happy as long as I have Harry, even though Jenna Styles sounds really good.

"Jenna, come and look at this" Harry asked from across the store and I glanced at the diamond rings for the last time before walking to him, Harry was pointing at a beautiful silver necklace which held a big diamond in the middle.

"Elise will love it, Harry" I smiled, watching as Harry motioned for the salesman to come and get it off from behind the glass.

"Just a second, I will go and wrap this for you and then you can come on pay for it, mr..?"

"Styles" Harry stated bluntly after nodding and pulled me with him, walking around the heavenly store of diamonds.

Harry stopped at the ring section I was just looking at a minute ago and I bit my lip, watching again at the diamond rings.  "Jenna?"


"Would you want one?" he asked and I furrowed my eyebrows, turning my eyes to meet his green ones still staring at the rings, like he was deep in thoughts.

"What do you mean, Harry?"

He scratched the back of his neck and placed a kiss to my temple. "Nothing, forget it"

I watched with my mouth open while he walked to the register and paid for nana's necklace, I don't know what just happened but it sounded like he was about to propose but then he just walked away?

{a bit longer chapter than usual yayy! but wtf harry, leaving jenna confused like that, haha :-) i hope you had a nice christmas everyone and this will be the last chapter this year OMG! anyways i really need your feedback guys! tell me what do you like and what you don't like, send me PMs, fan me, vote, anything! i might be dedicating the next chapter to the best comment for god's sake. HAPPY NEW YEAR I LOVE YOU I HOPE YOU HAD AMAZING 2013 AND EVEN BETTER 2014 BEAUTIFUL GUYS AND GIRLS. ♥}

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