Chapter 26

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We all just stood a minute in silence, nobody knowing how to react to my dad's sudden outburst, but most of all, I think we were trying to decide who of us should go after him. It should be me of course, but Amy, Harry and I have all something to say to him, and we can't say our words at the same time for sure.

"I'll go" I stated weakly and wiped off some of my tears, grabbing my jacket on my way, then jogging down the stairs, and outside of the building. Any form of sports wasn't good in my condition but it was my dad we're talking about, I need to talk to him properly. Alone.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw him standing a little outside of our apartment building, and I slowed down my walking, looking at him carefully. If he would be any type of a smoker, I'm sure he would be having a cigarette between his lips right now, but he had never smoken and like he said himself, he never will smoke either, so he just had to get some fresh air everytime he got angry about something. It's weird how I still remember these little things, even though it has been awhile since I've spent all of my days with dad.

When I reached him, he didn't even bother to look me in the eyes, he was still shocked, and hell, even I was still shocked, even though I've known for a month or so know.

"Dad, this was not planned, I swear-"

"I don't care if it was planned or not, Jenna, from the start that boy caused you only heartbreak, and still you're now engaged and having a baby? You've known him much less than a year, and you still are ready to build your life together even at such young age" he started preaching and I bit my lip, trying not to concentrate too much on his words, that were the exact truth.

I took a deep breath before I frowned. "Do you seriously think that I haven't thought about it? You may think that I'm young and stupid and yeah, I am. But I am capable of taking care of myself, so why wouldn't I be able to take care of this little, lovely life inside of me? And yes, being engaged with Harry after 5 months of dating.. It's fast, it's really fucking fast, but I don't care, because I love him. And dad, I will love him until the end, just like you loved mom. Harry is here for good, all I need is you to be here for our child" I explained as tears formed in my eyes again, I think they never even left though.

I watched as dad lifted his gaze to finally meet my eyes and I saw tears forming in his eyes too.

"I'll always be here for you, Jenna. I just don't want you to end up raising that kid alone"

"So you're suspicious about Harry? You're not mad about the baby, but instead you're suspicious about Harry being here for me?" I snorted and shook my head.

I took his silence as a nod, and sighed.

"He's been here for me more than you have ever been, daddy. I know it's hard to hear, but that's the way it is. I trust him with my life, I trust him with all my heart, I love him more than anything in this world, and I know it's the same with him. He loves me more than anyone he has ever loved before and ever will love" I said quietly and wiped off some tears, I hate these fucking pregnancy hormones. I'm happy, sad, angry, sad, happy, sad, and it can all turn in seconds.

Dad looked at me sadly, shaking his head. "When did you become a big girl?" he sighed and pulled me into a hug as I chuckled. He still smelled like coffee, just like I remember from my childhood.

"You know, as stupid as it sounds, I may possibly love Amy even more than I ever loved your mother" dad started explaining as we slowly walked towards the building again. "Of course your mother is going to be my first love, the mother of my beautiful daughter, but Amy is something.. More. There's not a thing I wouldn't do for her, and I'm pretty sure she knew about the pregnancy before me, didn't she? And I'm not even mad. It just shows how reliable she is, if she even doesn't tell this kind of thing to me, instead she decides to keep and gain your trust. I appreciate that really much, baby girl" dad explained while we had walked back to the building and into the elevator already.

I know things would be a little awkward for a little while, but at least dad wouldn't be that mad anymore, actually I think he's going to be excited about his first grandchild.


Later that night, I was laying on Harry's chest while he was playing with my hair.

"So you really do love me, huh?" I asked him with a chuckle and Harry laughed.

"If that ring in your ring finger doesn't prove it, babe, then I don't know what the fuck does then" Harry whispered in my ear and I smiled, it felt as if my smile was stretched from ear-to-ear.

Harry was totally right though, this ring was more than enough of a provement about his love. About four months ago, he sternly said that he never wants to get married, because you have to be faithful in one, but now, this is like a promise ring of our future together, as husband and wife, and Harry is willing to be that, just because of me.

"I just.. Harry.. Please just clarify me some things. Are you getting married with me just because we're having a baby together? Or because you feel pressured to do so, because my dad is as old-fashioned as he is?" I asked nervously, as if I was afraid of the truth.

I felt his finger get under my chin and lift my gaze up to meet his green orbs. "No, and no. We are getting married one day because I love you more than anything, and want you to be Jenna Styles. Not because of our child, or not because of your dad. Because of pure, and real love."

Those were that kind of words that you would've never even thought of hearing from Harry's mouth. Those were that kind of words that would forever remind you of him, and the pure, real love that you share. That's what real love is. It has it's ups and downs.

{no hate please. ♥ writer's block is driving me crazy, but also my busy schedule. always when i get an idea, it's demolished by my schedule and the lack of time i have. but, no this story is not going on hold, it just takes long for me to update and i'm sorry for that. i still love you and am thankful for reading this and commenting and your support in general! even though i don't answer to your comments, i still read every single one of them and appreciate them, please continue commenting and voting! and gash, +350K reads on still into you, +100K reads on use somebody, and even +3K on dear harry, and my nearly 10K votes.. this is more than i ever imagined, including nearly 300 fans. i love you, and i'm more thankful than words can describe. please continue being awesome, i love you guys. ♥}

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