Chapter 27

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I stared at Harry in awe as he was still softly snoring, his arm around me warmly. He had his mouth slightly agape and I couldn't help but just stare at him in all his handsomeness. I can't believe we are engaged. After the dramatic night last night, I was in the arms of the man I loved the most, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

So I was engaged now, with a child on it's way. Life was really starting to work out for me, even at such young age. I had lots of college worries though, I've skipped a little over one week of my classes and it's a miracle that I haven't been kicked out of school yet. Or Harry.

"Good morning, sunshine" I heard Harry's low morning voice greet and I smiled, watching as his eyes fluttered slowly open.

I planted a kiss on his lips and nuzzled my face in his neck, earning a chuckle from him. "Soon-to-be-wife" he whispered, as I giggled.

"Well, I want to wait until the baby is born and all, but yeah, as you say" I smiled and Harry shook his head, hugging me tightly.

If someone would have told me half a year ago that I would be engaged and expecting a baby with Harry fucking Styles, I would have laughed to their face. But the thing is, he has never been so much of an asshole that I couldn't bare him. He just acts tough, but inside, he's a cutie.

"A penny for your thoughts" he whispered in my ear and I lifted my gaze to see his green emeralds staring straight into my blue eyes.

"You. Us. Everything. I couldn't have ever imagined our life to be like this. It's.. Wow. I love you" I just smiled as Harry rolled his eyes and pecked my lips.

He shook his head and slowly got up. "You're such a softie, you know"

"I'm a freaking pregnant woman so screw you"

Mischievious smirk rose up to his lips and I threw a pillow towards him, causing him to laugh as he walked to the bathroom, probably going to take a shower or something.

I got up from the bed, walking to my closet. I got dressed into some black sweats and a tanktop, waiting for Harry to come out of the shower as I combed my hair and pulled it onto a high ponytail, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"I'll go make us some breakfast" I yelled at him, walking out of the room without waiting for an answer, if he didn't hear, he would smell the bacon and eggs later anyway.

I looked at our fridge and bit my lip, there's all this Christmas food but nothing I want to eat. I walked straight to the bathroom, smirking as I glanced Harry's naked body, earning a chuckle from his lips.

"I'll go buy some groceries for breakfast, I'll be right back" I smirked and Harry bent down to peck my lips and I waved my hand as I walked out. I only put on a hoodie, grabbing my  phone, wallet and keys from my purse and getting to the vestibule.

As I finally had my sneakers on, I got out of the apartment and jogged to the elevator, getting quickly in, now that it was on our floor anyway. The way down was quick, quicker than I remembered from yesterday and I greeted our doorman before getting out in the chilly morning weather. Thank God it was a warm winter, like always here but the mornings were chilly.

I walked down the street, already seeing the supermarket as I approached it, I somehow hoped that daddy and the rest of the family would still be at the hotel, and it would be odd for them to be here anyway, as the hotel was on the opposite way from our apartment complex.

I made my way inside from the doors and took a basket, filling it with eggs and bacon, orange juice and some sweets I was craving for. I was already fed up with chocolate so anything else would really be a life-saving sweet right now.

I looked at all the possibilites and furrowed my eyebrows, not an easy choice to make.


I flinched from the sudden calling of my name and turned my head to right, my eyes widening at the sight.

"Zayn?" his name came from my lips, tasting so odd, since it felt like I haven't seen him in ages. He approached me with a wide smile and I put on a fake smile of my own.

"Hey, how's it going?" he asked happily and I glanced at him fully, he had grown his beard more and he looked older, in a good way though. I couldn't help but notice the ring on his ring finger, and I furrowed my eyebrows. This only somehow confirmed the fact that I'm happy with Harry now, and I'm even more happy for Zayn that he continued his life. I haven't doubted my choice ever, and even now I never will.

"Pretty good, actually" I smiled as he grabbed two chocolate bars into his basket, then continuing to look at me with a warm look in his eyes.

"Good to know, same here" he laughed quietly.

"You and Cindy, huh?" I pointed at the ring and he laughed.

"Yeah.. Got engaged a month ago. You and Harry, huh?" he pointed at my ring and it was my turn to laugh.

"Yup. Yesterday, actually" I grinned happily and he pulled me into a hug.

"Congrats! Man, that's great" he smiled, like he was genuinely happy for me and now a genuine smile appeared on my lips. I'm kind of glad that he's really getting along with Cindy, even though she's not my favourite person in the world, there still isn't anything personal she has done to me, so I guess I should be happy.

I just nodded, biting my lip and glancing at the candies in front of me, then turning back to Zayn. "You know, it would be nice if you two came to our place, like next week? I'll make dinner and stuff" I suggested carefully but he nodded.

"We would love to come. We moved near your place a little bit over two weeks ago so yeah, we're not that far away. But text me the details, okay? Merry Christmas, tell Harry I said hello" he greeted happily and I just nodded and waved, watching as he walked away, leaving me stunned.

That's not the same Zayn who I left for Harry half a year ago. He's happy, like genuinely happy and polite. He even wants to sit at the same dinner table with Harry, and it seems like he has forgotten everything that happened between us.

I randomly took a bag of sweets, then walking to the cashier, placing all my groceries and grabbing a bag. I was halfway done packing when it came time to pay and I gave a few bucks extra, telling the lady to keep it, just in Christmas spirit. I finished my packing and started walking back home.

Much to my surprise, I spotted Harry's car in the first parking lot and he came out with a smirk on his lips, running to take the back.

"I couldn't let my lady walk back home with that much stuff, get in, babe" he smiled and I pulled him in for a kiss, grabbing his shirt into my fists and kissing him with much passion.

"I love you" I smiled widely, getting to my seat and smiling to him.

He glanced at me weirdly and took his lip piercing between his teeth.

"So I saw Zayn getting out of the store.. Did you bump into him, huh?" he coughed awkwardly and I bit my lip gently.

"Uh, yeah.. I sort of.. Uhm.. Kind of, invited him and Cindy for a dinner at our place next week" I stated quickly, just to see Harry's jaw clenching and his fists grabbing the steering wheel tightly.

"You what?"

{i'm going to save you from a super long author's note that is not going to make up for all the time i took updating, and i'm not even that happy with this chapter but i will do my best to make sure i update more often now, i've just been having a big writer's block but i love you guys so freaking much for still being here for me, i'm sorry and i love you. ♥ xo}

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