Chapter 32

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Eloise’s POV

“Are you sure?” I asked him, after not speaking for a while,

“Yeah, the doctors said you’re 3 months or so” He said softly,

I didn’t answer him, I mean I couldn’t. I wasn’t so sure if we would be able to handle this, let alone me handle this. I’m only 18, I haven’t even gone to college, I haven’t experienced enough to become a mom. I want to be a mother, I mean what girl doesn’t? But, I’m not so sure if I’m ready for the task...

“We can do this” Harry said, as he smiled over at me,

“You really think so?” I asked him,

“I know so” He replied, as he kissed me softly one more time,

“I’ve got to go, visiting hours are over. Your doctor said you can leave tomorrow, I’ll come pick you up and bring you home, baby” He said smiling,

“You know what? I think I’ll walk home. It’s really short distance, and I wanna get some fresh air. I’ll call you when I’m almost home though, alright?” I proposed,

“Alright, whatever you want love” Harry told me, as he closed the door and left. 

“Ugh, I can finally breathe” I spoke to myself after making sure he’d left.

I didn’t know why, but for some reason, I actually felt more confident about being able to take care of this baby. I think it’s because I feel like he actually is all in this time, he’s going to be dedicated, that he’s matured somehow. With these thoughts, I drifted off into a deep slumber.


I woke up hearing talking next to me. I opened my eyes and saw my doctor there, talking to a nurse.

“Good morning Ms. Cooper” He said,

“Morning” I said,

“I assume your friend told you about your pregnancy, and how you’re free to leave tonight, correct?” He asked,

“Yepp. He did” I told him,

“Okay, well we’ve finished your last check-up, so you’re free to go. Just remember to try and take things slowly with your schedule, you are carrying a child” He told me, as he smiled and left the room.

I grabbed my purse that someone must’ve brought for me, and headed out of the hospital. I could smell the fresh spring air, and began walking through the busy city streets. I was about a block away from my apartment building when I decided to call Harry, and let him know I was almost home. 

“Hello, love. You almost home?” He asked,

“Yeah, I’m right around the corner, so I should be at my building in a few minutes. Are you going to come over?” I asked,

“Sure, I’ll be over in about 10 minutes. I’m going to go pick up Rosie from Liam’s right now anyways. I’ll just come round on my way back” He explained. 

We carried on casually talking about the baby, discussing who the godparents would be, and all that. I could already see how excited we were both getting,

“I’ve thought of a name” I told him

“You have?” He asked curiously,

“Yeah, I think the name Taylor would be lovely. It works for a boy, and a girl. I’ve always loved the name, ever since I was little” I told him,

“Well, it’s settled then. Taylor Styles. Sounds lovely” He spoke,

After talking to Harry about what we would do for living arrangements when the baby is born, and whatnot. I reached my building, and walked up the large flight of stairs, since just my luck, the elevator was broken, I’d reached the top when I needed to get my keys out of my bag.

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