Chapter 26

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After waiting a few minutes, I heard a knock at the door and went to let Zayn inside.

“Hey...” I said quietly,

“Hey now, don’t be ashamed, everyone needs a little escape, this is your way of doing it” he replied, trying to calm me down a bit,

“True I guess...” I replied as I lead him over to the back porch.

We walked outside into the April night, though it was unseasonably warm for this time of year. We sat down out on the balcony, looking at the astonishing view of New York City. The city was beautiful this late, and the trees had yet to grow in, leaving a perfect view. The stars shone bright over the city, without a cloud in the sky tonight. It was beautiful to say the least. 

“It’s beautiful out tonight” Zayn spoke,

“Yeah, at night in the city it can look really awesome. I always come out here and look around” I said, 

“I would too, view’s lovely. What did you need to talk about?” He asked, while pulling a joint out of his back pocket, and lighting it up. He took a pull, and soon after he exhaled, letting the smoke surround him,

“Oh hold on” I said as I got up to go retrieve Niall’s notebook. I returned with it in my hand,

“What’s that?” Zayn questioned,

“It’s for part of the story, but there’s a bit more I need to say first” I told him, “Well, it’s all began with Harry being...different than he normally is” I began,

“What do you mean?” Zayn asked,

“Well, lately he hasn’t been treating me the same. He was so kind and loving when we first got together, but now he’s more concerned about me looking good so he can show me off to his friends, and try to get laid” I explained,

“Ohh, I see. That’s kind of just how Harry is when he’s upset. He likes to make other things the center of focus, so no one brings up what he doesn’t want to talk about, what’s making him upset...” Zayn clarified,

“That makes so much sense, he’s still upset over Caroline I suppose” I thought,

“Yeah, most likely. Harry takes it hard when he loses people, he just doesn’t like to show it” Zayn added, “What else is bothering you?” 

“Then there’s me and Louis. He forgave me tonight, when I went to go visit him” I said,

“Trust me, I know. He called me before from Liam’s saying how happy he was that you started talking to him, and how he has you back” He told me while smiling,

“He did?” I asked him with bit a disappointment in my voice,

“Yeah, shouldn’t you be happy about that?” He asked me confused,

I didn’t answer, and I think he figured out why,

“You don’t like him anymore do you?” He asked,

“No, I do...I think. It’s just.. I think I may like someone else....maybe” I said, not so sure of the answer myself,

“Girlie, you need to make up your mind. You can’t let Harry and Louis just hang onto you like this, you’re leading one of them on, and it’s not fair to them. Granted, it’s hard to make up your mind, but it has to be done babe” He told me whilst taking another pull,

“Yeah, and if it isn’t already complicated, I found this today” I told him while handing over Niall’s notebook,

“ this Niall’s songbook?” He asked, and I nodded in reply,

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