Chapter 9

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I rolled over and awoke, being blinded by the sun shining in through the windows, forgot to shut the blinds last night I suppose. I stumbled out of bed before even checking the time and went straight to the kitchen, because I was starving. I groggily made myself a cup of tea, and grabbed a bowl of cereal. As I ate, my mind traveled back to last night, recalling how close I was to not being here anymore. I also recalled how that mystery boy had saved me, and how he was my superman. I had been failed, I had been saved, but by a hero in disguise, not the person whom I thought was my hero. It’s quite funny how you can think so surely that that one person will be the one, when most of the time, it ends up being someone you don’t expect...

I slowly strolled back to my room, pulling on some jeans and a white t-shirt. I grabbed my phone, and decided I’d go get some fresh air, since I’d barely left the house the past week or so. I checked my phone and I had 2 new messages, and a missed call.

From: Mystery Friend

To: Eloise

Hi love, just wanted to check in on you! how are you? xx

From: Mystery Friend

To: Eloise

Are you alright? You aren’t answering and I’m kind of worried...text me back when you get this...

And of course the missed call was from no other than my Mystery Friend. 

I decided to text him back,

To: Mystery Friend

From: Eloise

Hey! I’m fine, sorry about that. Thanks for checking in. I’m fine now, you don’t need to 

worry anymore :) 

I grabbed my house key, and walked out the door, and began down the street to the middle of the town. I was checking my twitter newsfeed, and suddenly my mentions blew up, and I got a ton of new followers. I shrugged it off, thinking that it was just because of what I had said yesterday, people who felt bad for me. Whatever, I’ve moved on from that.

I walked around the town for a while, just thinking about my whole situation. I’ve decided that Emily must’ve been jealous that I was going out with Justin, and that’s where her hatred for me began I guess. I’m not really a person to hold grudges, and so I just let things go, which is why I don’t get so worked up about the whole rape thing, obviously it’s scarring, I just don’t feel the need for it to hold me back. I’ve concluded that I don’t care what Emily says, she’s jealous and she has nothing better to do with her life. 

New Message

From: Mystery Friend

To: Eloise

Glad to hear it, and no I will not leave you alone :P I want to get to know you, you seem like a lovely girl xx

This made my heart flutter, I can’t believe he actually wants to continue talking to me, after I made myself out as bat shit crazy. This is insane!

From: Eloise 

To: Mystery Friend

Thanks, you know, you’re really sweet. And if you really want to get to know me, tell me a bit about yourself, including your name possibly?

I kept walking, and made my way into a McDonalds, yes a good healthy meal, and got some chicken nuggets. I was sat at a table in the back, eating my nuggets and smiling to myself like a loser, awaiting a reply from him.

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