Chapter 13

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“You coming inside?” Louis questioned,

“Umm yeah I’ll be up in a few, just gonna take in some fresh air”  I said, as I smiled reassuringly at him,

“Alright, don’t be too long!” he said as he walked into the lobby,

I sat down on the bench outside the main entrance, and breathed deeply. I feel so stressed right now, between meeting the boys, school and the fear of getting more texts, going back to the way I was. I pulled out the box that I really shouldn’t even have, and took out a cigarette. I put the lighter up to the end and the sparks ignited the end of my escape. I took a puff, and let the scent and the familiarity of nicotine meet my brain. I felt more calm, more relaxed and a bit guilty for starting up this habit again. 

I finished up my smoke, and headed back into the lobby, and to the elevator, feeling a bit refreshed and better. I got to the room, and Liam opened the door as I knocked. I walked in and was greeted by a chorus of “Hellos” and a hug from Niall,

“*Sniff Sniff* El, have you been smoking or something? You reek!” he laughed, but then looked a little concerned as the time went on that I didn’t answer,

“What? Oh, erm noo hahahah there was this man next to me and he was uh smoking and the wind blew it over to me...” I said nervously, but he seemed to buy it, so it’s alright for now.

We spent the night playing truth or dare, and getting to know each other as a group and the boys individually. I think we all became pretty close by the end of the night! We were about to start a game of spin the bottle, but I checked my phone and it was nearly 12 and due to my nerves about today, I was up at 7, so I was completely exhausted. I let out a yawn,

“Someone’s sleepy!” Louis exclaimed, he was a bit drunk, 

“Yeah, I’m exhausted, I think I’m gonna head home though” I said as I stood up,

“Why don’t you just stay at the hotel? Harry and Zayn have an extra bed in their room. She can stay with you boys right?” Liam spoke up,

“Yeah sounds fun” Zayn said, 

“Yeah, I’m gonna head back too, Zayn you coming?” Harry asked, as he led me to the door,

“Yupp, lets goooo!” Zayn said while getting up,

“Bye boys, thank you for having me, and making it a great day! I’m really glad I got to meet you!” I said as I got up and walked into the hall with Harry and Zayn.

“So wanna go have a smoke?” Zayn asked me,

“Uh, what?” I asked him, confused as to how he found me out,

“Oh El, so naïve, think we don’t smell it! Hahahah” Harry answered as he took his door key out of his pocket and opened the door to the apartment,

“Fine, you got me. I smoke, and fine I’ll smoke with you if you want” I answered,

“Alright, Zayn go grab the ‘materials’ ” Harry said with a smirk on his face,

“Materials? What do you guys smoke?” I asked confused,

“We’re gonna roll some joints, not a big to the real drugs, eh?” Zayn asked, as he reappeared in the room with the “materials”,

“Oh, alright, sounds good!” I said confidently. 

In all honestly, I was so scared. It was my first time that I would be smoking weed, but I think I’ll be fine. It can’t be that bad...

Harry and Zayn rolled them for us, since I was completely lost, and they passed the joint to me, along with the lighter. I placed the joint in my mouth, and lit it up, I inhaled, and immediately coughed, giving it away that this was definitely my first time.  

The boys laughed, and I inhaled again, the smoke traveling around me more smoothly this time, and I immediately felt awake. My world was spinning around me, and I absolutely loved the feeling. Everything became more exciting, entertaining and fun each time I took a pull, and soon I was completely wasted, and Zayn and Harry seemed to not be affected as much as I was. 

“I’m going to bed, bye crazies” Zayn said as he shuffled back to his room, the high seeming to wear off,

“Looks like that leaves us too, sexy” I said to Harry, 

“Sure does” Harry said awkwardly,

“You know, I secretly think you’re the hottest in the band, and I’d totally bang you” I whispered to him, giggling the whole time. 

“Oh really?” Harry said, as he stood up and leaned over me,

“Really” I said back in a seductive tone,

“Let’s go then” Harry said to me, leading me into his room.

As the door shut behind him, Harry pushed me up against the wall, and started to kiss me hungrily, and I kissed him back. I pulled back to take off my shirt, and he did the same, and we lead each other back to the bed, losing more clothing the closer we got. By the time we reached the bed, we were both naked, and Harry was putting the condom on himself, and he slowly entered me, as our bodies collided, until we screamed out each others names in pleasure.

I fell asleep in the arms of Harry Styles, a feeling of gut-wrenching guilt racing throughout my body. 

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