Chapter 19

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After spending some time with little Rosie, Harry decided to call the boys and his mum to let them know what had happened.They were going to come over a little later to visit. I got to stay with Rosie, and she seemed to really take a liking to me, which I was glad about. It might sound pedophilic, but I’ve always loved babies, not like the creepy way like “oh my god, this baby is so hot, i’m gonna rape it” but the “this is possibly the cutest baby ever and I want it” kind of way. You know? 

Whatever. This whole situation how drastically Harry’s life changed within a year made me realize that I need to take all the chances I can, I need to be more brave. Harry went from being a normal teenage boy, to a boy who’s girlfriend was pregnant. Now look at him, he was a father of twins, though one died, and he lost his girlfriend, the mother of his children. I needed to tell the boys how I felt, and I needed to see Louis. 

Harry re-entered the room moments later with some food in his hand, and some baby formula.

“This nurses gave me all of this stuff, and I have no idea what to do with it!” Harry exclaimed, seeming a little frustrated,

“Alright, well I’m sure we can figure this out...” I told him as I put Rosie down, and grabbed the formula and bottle as I tried to figure it out.

I could feel eyes on me as I filled the bottle with the formula, and the milk after I used the microwave in the room to heat it. I always saw people testing it on their arm, to check if it was too hot or not, so I did that. It was about room temperature, and I decided  that it would be fine. I looked up, and Harry was just staring at me,

“What?” I asked, giggling and blushing slightly,

“What? Oh nothing, just watching you so I know what to do next time” he replied, covering himself,

“Alright Styles, whatever helps you sleep at night. Here’s the bottle, you just give it to her and I’m sure that she’ll take it from you...” I said, holding the bottle out in front of him,

“I can’t, can you show me?” He asked me, pretty convincingly, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it,

“Ugh, Harry you’re going to have to do this sometime!” I told him, while taking the bottle from his hands. I picked up Rosie, and put the bottle to her mouth, and instantly, the crying ceased. 

I looked up to notice Harry with that same look on his face as before, and I needed to know why he kept looking at me like that,

“Harry, really. Why are you looking at me? If you say “So next time I know what to do” again, I will slap you. Tell me, now” I demanded, attempting my best man voice as I impersonated him,

“What? I totally do NOT sound like that! Horrible, utterly horrible attempt at trying to be me” he said laughing,

“Really? I thought it was pretty close. Now tell me” I said, cutting off his humor,

“It’s nothing, really” He responded, trying to act nonchalant about it,

“Harry, tell me why you’re looking at me like that!” I repeated,

“Fine. It’s just that I’ve sort of--”

“VAS APPENIN’ BABY GIRL?” Zayn shouted as he, Louis, Niall and Liam entered the room,

Harry backed away from me, and went to go talk to the boys. Louis awkwardly avoided me, and made things really uncomfortable. I decided I would just go home, I’ve spent enough time here.

“Here’s Rosie Harry. Looks like you have enough help, I’m going to go home” I said to him, as I handed him the baby girl,

“Oh, you’re leaving already?” He questioned,

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