Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

“Come on! You told me you loved me, this is how you have to prove it to me!” he screamed. 

“No! I don’t want to! I’m not ready!” I yelled back to him, frightened.

“Now we’re going to force you” he said as he grabbed me by my neck and threw my on the bed. He and the boys began approaching me, with a crazed look in their eyes. I tried to get up, but they pushed me back down. I fought. I fought with all the power and might that I had at that moment. It wasn’t enough. They took off my clothes, and I got a sudden burst of energy. I kicked him, I don’t know which one it was because I had my eyes clamped shut. I opened them after hearing a loud groan, to be greeted by Justin’s fist colliding with my face, and after that everything was black. 

My eyes flew open, my breathing heavy and my thoughts scrambled. I looked around at my surroundings, relieved when I saw that I was in fact in my own room, where I had fallen asleep listening to music. It was 12 AM, and now just my luck I probably wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep after that nightmare. I decided to check out other people’s normal lives in my school, and started up my laptop. 

As I scrolled through Facebook, I saw the normal posts. The inside jokes between friends, the song lyrics from those people, the quotes, the hacks from friends, and decided to move onto Tumblr. 

Now I’m not Tumblr famous at all. I have like 100 followers, but it’s fine. I just use it to express myself and such things haha. I have a couple of friends from there, but we aren’t very close. I reblogged some SWGP, and some One Direction pictures, just aimlessly scrolling through my dash. I looked over and it was about 1:30. Twitter is my next site to check.

I reloaded my feed, responded to a few mentions from my friends, and looked through my feed. Nothing interesting, no new followers, no interesting One Direction tweets. Nada. There rarely is anything on Twitter anyways. One last check on Facebook and,

“Oh My God. This can’t be happening”

Emily Rodgers is in a relationship with Justin Kramer

I closed my laptop and placed it gently on the floor, laying back and closing my eyes ready for sleep to over take my body and mind. Eventually, I drifted off into a land where nothing could hurt me, a place of peace for a few hours.


“Neeeeeeeeeeeeew Text Message!” my phone blasted from the speakers, awakening me from my deep sleep.

I stretched and looked over to my clock, 9:17 not bad for my sleeping habits. I snatched my phone from the side table and opened the new text, shocked with what I read.

“Bitch, I don’t know why I ever talked to a 

stupid whore like you. You are such a little slut

you go for any guy you could get, well with that 

face of yours you might not get anyone. All 

you want is attention, you fucking slut, you 

would do anything for a good time. I think

the world would be a better place without YOU.”

“Who is this?”

As I typed out the message, I realized that I didn’t care. I knew exactly who it was, and this person can go fuck themselves for all I care. Emily was no longer part of my life, meaning that I don’t care. I’m not letting her get the better of me by sending one hate message, that stupid girl is probably drunk anyways.

I made my way downstairs to see my dad sitting at the island, eating his usual cereal and coffee, reading the newspaper before going to work. He greeted me with a smile as I walked to the cupboard to retrieve my own breakfast, Cookie Dough Pop Tarts. I walked over to the island with a glass of orange juice in hand and sat and ate while he read. Usually, we would be talking about any weird dreams from the night before and crazy things we wished would happen today, right now it was just plain ‘ol silence, awkward. I finished eating quickly, as I didn’t want to sit in this awkward silence any longer and bounded up the stairs to get dressed. I didn’t have school today, but decided I would go to the park and practice playing soccer. I got dressed in some shorts and a baggy vest top and made my way back downstairs, stopping at the bottom to tie up my cleats. I heard my ringtone summon me once again and looked down at it, another new text message from “Blocked I.D”. Lovely, I thought to myself as I picked up the phone and opened the message,

“I think it’s funny you know? You told

me ALL your secrets, and I could tell 

them to everyone at school. I know 

who you really are, just a vulnerable,

miserable, whore.”

Alright, well maybe Emily isn’t drunk, and maybe she does know all of my secrets...but I can’t let her threats get to me. I doubt she even remembers half of the things I told her, she was always busy talking or thinking about herself. It’s probably some stupid secret like how I slept with a teddybear until 8th grade, or how I asked out this guy one time and got completely rejected. There’s also how I professed my love for Louis to her, but I don’t really care if I get made fun of for that. I mean of course it will hurt my feelings, who gives a shit? I’m a big girl, I can absolutely handle Emily’s hate messages. I just wish someone was there to talk about it with...

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