/stockholm syndrome/

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a feeling of affection and attraction towards someone who kidnapped you.

Soonyoung gets kidnapped?!

sorry late oof:(( i love yall okay


Soonyoung was just casually working in his part-time job which was namely, handling the cashier in some convenience store. But he wondered, how in the world did he end up in this dark room, his back on a wall with his hands cuffed.

Memories of last night started to appear in his head. He remembered how there were suspicious men who wore black-suits and looked like they were looking for something. When they were about to leave though, they went towards Soonyoung's direction.

"Sir he's a witness." He heard some guy clad in black said.

"Take him with us then." The guy who seemed liked the boss of them all said.

That's all that Soonyoung remembers before blacking out.

Back to the present, his eyes scanned the room and thought where in the world could he be at this moment.

This was until the door opened, letting a little more of light come into the darkly lit room.

There entered a small figure, who seemed to have an unfazed expression in his face and a plastic bag in his hand.

When the smaller figure had his face angle more evenly with the light, Soonyoung couldn't believe it. He thought his eyes were deceiving him whatsover.

He just possibly came across the most beautiful person who has ever walked on this world.

"W-what the-?Soonyoung accidentally gasps out.

The smaller figure looked at him weirdly before shrugging.

"I can't let anyone die from starvation or whatever." The younger stated before shoving the plastic bag towards Soonyoung.

"Thanks.." Soonyoung says gratefully, fondling the plastic bag in his arms.

"I can't keep you off my sight so I'm stayin' here. Go eat." The smaller said while settling himself in the opposite wall from Soonyoung and pulling out his phone.

Soonyoung just quietly obliges, he doesn't know himself but he feels a little bit at ease being with the smaller guy.

Some minutes passed and Soonyoung was done with the food passed to him. Nothing but awkward and tensed silence filled the room.

"S-so uhm how long will I be staying here? Will I be killed?? I don't want to die yet though!! Mister please help me!!!" Soonyoung says without heaving a breath, panicked expression plastered in his face.

The other looks up in annoyance.

"Shut up." The smaller snapped.

Soonyoung quickly shuts his mouth at that. Slowly retrieving to the awkward and tense situation.

After some while, the smaller lets out a sigh, letting his phone down. "I don't know what he plans for you... You're a suspect for the group. You're a threat."

"B-but I swear I didn't see anything!! I don't even know who you guys are! I'm just a broke uni student who's measly working at a convenience store!" Soonyoung blurts out.

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