7x11 AU

932 13 6

Written for Ashley Nicole Liss on Twitter

Can you write one where Toby takes her home from the hospital And Toby should lay with her and never let her go.

“Toby you don't need to carry me I can walk perfectly fine I got shot in the shoulder not my legs.” Spencer said and laughed as Toby carried her through the doors of the barn.

Spencer had finally been released from Rosewood Hospital after being shot at the blind school by a gun wielding Jenna.

“Well your legs might be in perfect working condition but I'm never letting you go again so you're just going to have to deal with it.” Toby said as he carried Spencer over to the couch in the barn and sat her down and she immediately snuggled close to him and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head and Spencer said “Well good because I don't ever want to be away from you again.” Toby smiled at her and said  “That's never going to happen Spence, I will never make that mistake again.” “Good.” Spencer smiled back at him. “So do you want me to get you anything?” Toby asked as he stroked her hair. “No I'm good, I just need you.” Spencer said, her head laying on his chest. “That I can definitely give you, and anything else you need.” Toby said and the Spencer looked up at him and kissed him, He happily kissed back. “Is there anything else you want to do babe? Toby asked, stroking her hair again as she laid her head back on his chest. Spencer looked up at him and said “How about we watch a movie?”

“Of course my love.” He kissed the top of her head again and put on her favorite movie, The Notebook and they stayed on the couch cuddling as they watched it.


“How about I order us some food? You're Favorite okay?” He asked. She nodded and said “That sounds perfect.”

“There is one more thing I want.” Spencer said after they finished eating. “And what would that be?” Toby asked. Can we go cuddle in our bed? Pleeease?” She asked. Toby smiled and said “Of course my girl, You do know I'm going to carry you in there right?” She laughed and said “Yeah I kinda figured that. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

“Good.” He smiled at her kissed her. “You ready?” She nodded so he gently lifted her up off the couch and took her into the bedroom and put her down on the bed and then got in next to her and she snuggled up to him and put her head back on his chest and he wrapped his arms back around her and stroked her hair with his other hand.

“I can't help but feel responsible.” Toby sighed. Spencer looked at him with confusion on her face. “Tobes what are you talking about?” “Jenna shot you Spence, I should've known she was up to something I could've protected you I-” Spencer gently put her finger over his lips to sush him and said “Toby please don't blame yourself, I’m okay and you're here to take care of me and that's all I could ever want. Okay?” She removed her finger and he nodded and said “Okay. Anything for you.” And kissed her.

“Promise?” “I promise I will try to just focus on the fact that you're alright and that we are here together.”  “Good.” She smiled at him and then put her head back on his chest and they stayed like that for awhile, peacefully laying there enjoying each other's company.

“Spence, do you want me to help you put your pajamas on?” Toby asked a little later.

“There's no one else I trust more so yes please, plus I it would be kinda hard to do it myself with only one arm.” Spencer said and laughed and pointed to her other arm that was in a sling. Toby shook his head and said “You and your sense of humor.” “That's one of the many things you love about me isn't it?” Spencer asked. “You know I love everything about you Spence.” Toby said and then he kissed her and she kissed him back and before it got into a heated make out session, Toby pulled away “We can finish this later I promise, but for now let's get you into your pajamas okay?” Spencer sighed and said “Fine.” and then Toby helped Spencer get off the bed and he walked over to her dresser and she sat on the edge of the bed. “What would you like to wear?” He asked. Spencer immediately knew what she wanted and she was smiling at the thought and she said “It's in the top drawer.” Toby opened the drawer and right there on the top was a familiar Blue shirt.

His Blue shirt. Well it's been hers ever since she stole from him after their first night together all those years ago. He smiled and picked it up and then turned back around towards Spencer. “You kept it?” “How could I not, it is my favorite shirt after all.” And they both laughed and he walked back over to her and said “You ready?” She nodded and he gently took her pants off and then it was time to change her shirt he said “You know you can tell me to stop if I’m hurting you.” And Spencer said “You know you could never hurt me Tobes. Go ahead.” Toby said “Okay.” And then slowly and gently helped her arm out of the sling and then helped her take the shirt off and then he saw it. The scar from the bullet. He couldn't stop thinking how he almost lost her, he almost lost her and he was never going to let that happen again. His hand went over it gently, careful not to hurt her and Spencer watched him not knowing what to say. Toby then looked back up at her and said
“I could've lost you Spence. I almost lost you.” as he stroked her cheek. “But you didn't, I'm right here Toby and you're stuck with me.” she smiled at him and he smiled back and said “I’m going to hold you to that.” and she said “I wouldn't have it any other way.” And then he couldn't take it anymore and he kissed her and then said “Okay let's get this on you okay?” And she smiled and nodded and he helped her put the shirt on and then helped her put the sling back on her arm and said “Better?” And she nodded and said “Thank you, boyfriend.” He smiled and said “You're Welcome, girlfriend.” She kissed him and then he got back on the bed and she crawled back over to him and laid her head back on his chest and he kissed the top of her head and then gently wrapped his arms around her. After hours of laying like that and just talking about random things and the future, Toby noticed Spencer finally fell asleep. He was relieved she was finally able to get some decent rest unlike when she was in the hospital, although it didn't last too long before she started having a nightmare and Toby quickly tried to wake her up gently. “Spence wake up, you're having a nightmare baby I need you to wake up for me, you're safe Spence.” But it didn't work, Spencer was still trapped in her nightmare. “Jenna stop. Please.” Spencer said desperately and that just about broke Toby's heart and he knew he had to wake her up so he tried again “Spence it's me, Toby you're safe okay I promise I'm right here Jenna can't hurt you again okay I won't let her I promise but right now I need you to wake up Spence. Please.”

Spencer’s eyes burst open and she quickly sat up breathing heavily and Toby quickly brought her back into his arms. “Hey hey it's okay Spence you're okay I'm here I've got you it was just a nightmare Spence.” Tears were falling from her eyes and was barely able to say his name. “T-t-toby.” “I'm here babe I'm right here.” He soothed as he rubbed her back and after a few minutes she finally calmed down. “Thank you Toby.” “Spence you never have to thank me for anything you know that.” “I know but thank you anyway.” She smiled at him. You're welcome.” He smiled back and then they laid back down against the pillows and went back to their original position, her arm wrapped around him and her head on his chest and his arms gently wrapped around her hugging her protectively and eventually she fell back to sleep and he stayed awake watching her sleep, just in case she had another nightmare.

He was never going to let go.

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