"I swear it was an accident."

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Spencer’s anxiety was on overdrive, she couldn't think straight, and she just couldn't shut her mind off. After what happened tonight she just couldn't take it anymore and she didn't know what else to do, she could already feel the panic attack coming so she sat on her couch in the barn and grabbed her cell phone out of her pocket and dialed the one number she knew by heart, Her safe place to land.

Please pick up. Please.
One ring
I need you. Please.
Two rings
Three rings
Please Toby.
Voicemail. No.

You've reached Toby Cavanaugh, sorry I’m not available right now but if you leave me a message I will be sure to call you back.

She calmed down a little just hearing his voice, but that wasn't enough and she was crushed he didn't answer. She needs her boyfriend with her, Specially right now. She took a shaky breath and left him a voicemail.

“T-t-toby, please come home, I know you're probably still at work right now but I just….. I just really need you right now. Something happened tonight and I just can't do this anymore, I need you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay. Please Toby.
I love you so much.”

She hung up and put her phone on the coffee table, her tears falling faster, she couldn't breathe. She just wants, no, she needs Toby. She curled up in a ball on the couch and just kept sobbing and hoping Toby would be home soon.


Toby had just gotten off work at the Rosewood Police Department and he got into his truck and pulled out his cellphone and he noticed he missed a call from Spencer. His Spencer. He immediately felt Terrible he hadn't heard it ring and missed her call, he hardly ever misses Spencer's calls. He instantly listened to her message;

“T-t-toby, please come home, I know you're probably still at work right now but I just….. I just really need you right now. Something happened tonight and I just can't do this anymore, I need you to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay. Please Toby.
I love you so much.”

He could sense something was really wrong, it made him feel worse he didn't answer. He also could tell she was about to have a panic attack and he knew he had to get to her right now so he quickly put his phone back in his pocket and drove home to the barn.

I’m coming Spence. I'm coming.


As soon as he pulled up to the Hastings House he got out of his truck and ran to the barn and went in with his key and what he saw broke his heart. His beautiful girlfriend curled up in a ball on the couch, sobbing and hyperventilating. He quickly ran to her side and knelt down by the couch and reached out and put his hand on her shoulder and calmly said “ Spence?” The sobs quickly stopped for a minute and Spencers head shot up and turned around and looked at him and she breathed a sigh of relief and said “Tobes?” He gave her a warm smile and said “Im here baby I'm here.” And she said “H-hold me.” And he didn't waste any time standing up and getting on the couch and pulling her into his warm embrace, stroking her hair to calm her down.

“It's okay Spence it's okay, I've got you you're okay. Baby I'm so sorry I missed your call earlier, you were right I was still working and I didn't hear it but as soon as I got your message I came straight home. I love you so much.” And he kissed the top of her head and Spencer, who was still struggling with her breathing, was just focusing on the fact that he was home. Her Toby was home and he was holding her and telling her Everything's going to be okay just like she wanted, no, she needed this right now, she needed him. She took in his warm scent focused how hot he looked in his Police uniform and was when her breathing was finally getting somewhat back to normal, she said “It's not your fault, but you're here now and that's all that matters. I love you Tobes.” “I love you too Spence, Now was there something you wanted to tell me? You said something happened tonight?” She took a deep breath and said “Yeah something happened, but first I just need to do this.” And she looked up at him and smashed her lips into his and he happily kissed back, both having missed each other soft lips. Once they had to come up for air Toby said “What Happened Spence?” Spencer put leaned back into him and put her head on his shoulder and he rubbed her back comfortingly. “Take your time baby, it's okay.” She finally looked back up at him and said started to tell him tonight's events. “Okay, so the girls and I got a text from Ali who was using Elliot's phone and told us he was taking her somewhere and sent us the GPS coordinates so of course we go after them and we're riding in Hanna's car, she's driving, and we keep going and we are quickly catching up to them and we are like in the middle of nowhere by the way, and then not long after that We saw Ali run past the car and- and then-” the tears we're rolling down her face again, but this time Toby was there to brush then away with his thumb. “Easy Spence, it's okay, just take your time it's alright.” She gave him a sad smile and said “I just, I don't even know if I should be telling you this.” Toby gave her a confused look and said “What are you talking about Spence? You know you can always tell me Anything, no matter what it is. Always” and he kissed the top of her head again and she nodded and said continued her story. “Anyway we had just seen Ali run past us and we were wondering where Elliot was a-and-” “Spence? Did he hurt you?” She shook her head. “No. But we hurt him” She couldn't even look at him, she couldn't see the look on his face. The tears were falling once again but she didn't really care anymore. “Spence what are you talking about?”  

“Well technically Hanna did it, he-he came out of nowhere Toby and-and Hanna was still driving and- and next thing we know his face was in her windshield!” “Spence…”

“I swear it was an accident.” She was now looking at him again, the tears still running down her face. Toby quickly comforted her.

“Shhh it's okay Spence I believe you.” He soothed and hugged her tighter. “I’m so sorry Toby.” She sobbed. “Hey it's okay, you're safe Spence that's all that matters. You girls did nothing wrong, he was a terrible person Spence, thats self defense.”

“I just didn't know what to do, and I tried to wait for you to get home and I couldn't so I called you and-” “Hey I’m here now it's alright. So that's why you were hesitant to tell me what happened.” She nodded. “Because you're a cop Toby.” He looked at her with pure love in his eyes and said “Spence, that doesn't matter. Okay, just forget the uniform right now Spencer, right now I'm not a cop, I am your boyfriend who just wants to love and protect you and we will get through this. I promise. All you and the girls have to do is tell the police the truth. It was self defense Spencer.” she nodded and said “You're right, God I don't know what I would do without you Tobias Cavanaugh.” She smiled at him and he smiled back. “Okay what do you say we get the girls to meet us at the station tomorrow and you can explain what happened. I’ll be there every step of the way Spence.” “Okay.” “Good, now what do you say we watch a movie and cuddle?” She smiled and said “Of course, which movie?” He smiled and said “You pick, girlfriend.” She laughed and said “Okay, boyfriend, how about The Notebook.” “Again?” Spencer punched his arm playfully and he laughed and said “I’m just kidding Spence, of course we can watch The Notebook.” She smiled and kissed him and they spent the rest of the night wrapped in each other's arms.

Everything was going to be okay.

Spoby One Shots 💙💖💕💗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon