"I almost lost you."

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Set in 5B

“Spence are you sure that this is a good idea?” Aria asked hesitantly. “Aria this is the only plan we've got.” Spencer said. “Spence are you sure you don't want to call Toby and tell him where we are?” Emily asked but Spencer shook her head. “No I'm not going to risk him getting hurt for me okay not again I'm ending this right now.” Spencer said with determination in her voice. “Spence I understand you wanting to protect him but I thought you guys didn't do secrets anymore.” Ali said. “I'm protecting him okay if it's the last thing I do I will not let A hurt him ever again okay? Now are you doing this with me or not?” Spencer asked desperately and the girls nodded and the five of them walked into the abandoned warehouse to meet with A.

“Spence what if this doesn't work?” Emily asked worriedly. “Yeah I mean we've threatened A before it doesn't work.” Hanna said. “Trust me, this will work.” Spencer said with determination in her voice. “Ok let's just get this over with.” Ali said. “Yeah I don't want to be gone too long Toby's shift ends soon and I'm supposed to be meeting him at the loft.” Spencer said. “Spence are you sure you don't want to call him?” Aria asked.

“NO okay I'm not dragging him into this anymore okay?” Spencer said trying to ignore the tears in her eyes. “Okay we get it,
but Spence if something happens to you and he finds out you kept this from him Spence he'll never forgive himself.” Ali said.

“I promise you that everything is going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen to me.” Spencer promised. “Okay Spencer's right let's just get this over with.” Hanna said and the girls all nodded. “Well hello my precious little liars.” An unknown voice said and the girls turned around to face their mysterious hooded tormentor.  “We wanted to meet with you to tell you to leave us alone!” Spencer said angrily and A laughed. “Oh Spencer it's funny how you think that you can end this game, well you can't. I'm surprised your boy toy Officer isn't here to 'protect’ you by the way.” A said. “I'm not letting him anywhere near you ever again.” Spencer said with determination in her voice. “Oh how sweet, NOT. But that means that nobody is going to be here to save you after I do this.” A said pulling out a lighter and the girls gasped.

“Oh so you're just going to try to burn us to death again?” Spencer said. “You're not going to get away with this!” Ali said. “Oh I think I will, night night my little liars.” A said before throwing the lighter on the ground and setting the warehouse on fire and then running out the back way. ”Guys come on we have to get out of here!” Ali yelled and they all nodded and they all ran out and once they made it outside they were all coughing and out of breath. “Guys, where's Spencer?” Aria asked worriedly and they all looked around and they were shocked to see Spencer wasn't with them. “She was right behind me!” Ali yelled worriedly. “We have to go back in there!” Aria yelled and they all went running back towards the warehouse, until there was a huge explosion that stopped them and sent them flying backwards onto the ground and then they were all screaming for Spencer.


“Please tell us that you've found our friend in there?!” Aria said desperately but the fireman shook his head. “I'm sorry ladies but there was no one else in there, although if she was in there she definitely didn't survive that explosion, I'm very sorry.” He said before walking away and the girls huddled together crying. “She c-can't be gone.” Aria sobbed. “She's Spencer she's smart she must've found a way out of there before the explosion.” Hanna said crying. “But you guys, w-where is she then?” Ali cried. “Guys, w-we need to tell Toby.” Emily cried. “I'm not looking forward to that.” Aria said trying to stop crying. “You guys he loves her more than anything I'm not looking forward to it either but he needs to know!” Emily cried and they all nodded. “Let's go to the station then.” Ali said and they all nodded and headed to the police station.


“We need to speak with Officer Cavanaugh, it's important.” Emily said trying to hide her tears. A few minutes later Toby walked out and once he saw the girls and their tear stained faces he knew that something was wrong, mainly the fact that his safe place to land wasn't with them and he immediately rushed over to them. “What happened? where's Spence?” He asked desperately.

“Toby, I'm so sorry, but Spence is-” Emily started and Toby could've sworn he felt his heart stop and he couldn't speak, he couldn't move. “We went to an abandoned warehouse tonight, to meet with A it was Spencer's idea and she didn't want to worry you, she was trying to protect you Toby.” Ali said. “W-what happened?” He croaked out.

“A set the place on fire and w-we all ran out, and t-the we realized Spencer wasn't with us and we went to go back and get her a-and there was an explosion. A-and the fireman said there was no one else in there, but if she was still in there that she couldn't have possibly s-survived the explosion.” Emily cried. “W-WHAT? NO S-SHE C-CAN'T BE GONE!” Toby cried and he dropped to his knees and Emily immediately held him in her arms. “Toby we're so sorry.” Emily said.

“S-she s-should have told me what you we're going to do tonight. I w-would have p-protected her!” He cried. “We tried to get her to tell you, but she was trying to protect you Toby.” Ali said crying. “I-I c-can't do this okay I can't, s-she c-can't be gone, I-I need to go.” Toby said before standing up. “Toby you shouldn't be driving right now, Spencer wouldn't want you to hurt yourself.” Emily warned but Toby shook his head. “Don’t- Don't do that, okay she isn't g-gone!” He cried before walking out of the station and to his truck and once he got in there he immediately broke down crying again, there was only one place he needed to be right now, a part of him prayed that she was going to be there, she couldn't be gone, she's all he lives for she can't be gone, he would know, he drove to their spot and he got out of his truck and he sat on one of the rocks and he put his head in his hands and started to cry again and he was overwhelmed with thinking of all of their memories, good and bad and he just kept blaming himself for not pushing harder to protect her. Toby was brought out of his thoughts when his cell phone started ringing and he slowly pulled it out of his pocket and when he saw the came on the caller ID hope filled his tear filled eyes and he didn't waste any time putting it to his ear and answering it.

“S-S-Spence? Baby please tell me i-it’s really you.” He cried desperately into the phone, desperate to hear her voice again.

“It's me Tobes.” She said relieved to hear his voice that as much as he was relieved to hear hers.

“Oh thank God you're okay, I knew you weren't gone!” He cried with relief into the phone.

“I'm safe I promise, C-can you c-come back to the loft please, I've been here waiting for you.” She said and he mentally kicked himself for not going there first after he left the station.

“I'm on my way right now baby I promise, God I love you so much.” He said trying not to cry again.

“I love you too Tobes.” She said and as much as he didn't want to hang up he need to so he could get home to her so he immediately raced back to his truck and drove back to the loft and as soon as he got there he ran up the stairs and when he opened the door and there she was, his safe place to land sitting on the couch waiting for him but as soon as she heard him come in she stood up and ran into his waiting arms.

“Oh baby girl you don't know how happy I am to see you.” He cried. “I'm so sorry for not telling you where I was going I just wanted to protect you-” Spencer started but Toby quickly cut her off by smashing his lips into hers and she immediately kissed him back. “Spence you know you never have to say you're sorry.” Toby said looking into her eyes after they broke apart for air and Spencer wiped his tears away with her thumbs. “I love you so much.” Spencer said starting to cry again and then Toby wiped her tears away gently with his thumbs.

“I love you too baby girl.” He said before pulling her back into his arms. “I almost lost you.” Toby cried. “But you didn't I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere Tobes I promise.” Spencer said looking back up at him and she stroked his cheek with her thumb. “Spence you have to promise me that you'll never keep anything like this from me again okay? We don't do that anymore.” Toby said and Spencer nodded.
“I promise.”

She said giving him a small smile. “Baby you really scared me tonight.” He said trying
not to cry again. “I know, and I promise you that it will never happen again okay, we're in this together Tobes.” She said hugging him tighter and he rubbed her back. “Yeah we are and I promise you that I will always protect you Spence.” He said kissing the top of her head.

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