"If you die, I'm gonna kill you."

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"So Spence are you excited for your little date night with Toby tonight?" Emily asked her as they were laying on Spencer's bed talking. "Absolutely. I mean we've all been pretty busy dealing with A and everything so it's been awhile since we've had a proper date." Spencer said happily. "Well you know that you two are the cutest thing ever." Emily said smiling, she was happy for her best friends. "Thanks Em." Spencer said. "You're welcome Spence, you and Toby deserve to be happy." Emily replied and Spencer was daydreaming about tonight with Toby when her cell phone started ringing. "Oooh is that who I think it is?" Emily teased referring to Toby. Spencer smiled until she looked at her phone.
"No, I- I don't know who this is." Spencer said shakily, fearing it might be A.

"Answer it Spence." Emily said hesitantly and Spencer nodded and got up off her bed and walked to the middle of her bedroom and then slowly put her phone to her ear. "Hello?" Spencer asked hesitantly. "Is this Spencer Hastings?" A female voice asked. "Yes it is." Spencer said nervously. "Ms. Hastings this is Rosewood Hospital and I'm very sorry to have to tell you this but Toby Cavanaugh has been critically injured in a motorcycle accident."  

Her heart stopped.

Spencer immediately went into shock, she couldn't move, she couldn't breathe.

"No please no, this cannot be happening right now."

She immediately dropped her phone on the floor and Emily immediately reacted. "Spence what's wrong?" then Spencer just immediately fell to the floor sobbing and Emily got off the bed and rushed over her.

"Spence what is it?" Emily asked as she wrapped her arms around her trying to comfort her. "T-t-toby." Spencer sobbed.

Emily immediately feared the worst. "I-is he okay?" Spencer rapidly shook her head no. Before Emily could say anything else, Spencer's phone went off, A. She didn't even reach for it, it was still on the floor beside her but she couldn't look at, heck she couldn't even function and if A said what she was afraid of, then she didn't want to see it. Emily however felt that she should look at it so she carefully took one arm off of Spencer's shaking form and looked at the message:

"Sorry I wrecked your boy toy Spencer, but you don't deserve to be happy." -A

and attached was a photo of Toby's smashed up motorcycle on the side of the road. Emily was furious at A. "T-they took credit, didn't they?" Spencer asked still sobbing uncontrollably. "Yes." Was all Emily could say and Spencer just sobbed even more. "Hey he's going to be okay Spencer, you and I both know how strong he is and how much he loves you he would never leave you Spence he's going to be alright I promise." Emily said soothingly as she rubbed Spencer's back comfortingly. "Em I-I can't l-lose h-him." Spencer sobbed. "You won't you won't, but we need to get you to the hospital okay? He needs you." Emily said trying to hold back tears and Spencer nodded so Emily helped her off the floor and downstairs to Emily's car and Emily drove them towards the hospital and Spencer couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of losing her safe place to land. She tightly gripped onto her 'S' Scrabble tile necklace around her neck and silently prayed that he would be okay.

"Please don't leave me Toby please don't leave me. God please don't take him from me, not now, not yet."

Once they got to the hospital Spencer quickly got out of the car and ran towards the entrance, Emily following close behind.

Spencer ran right over to the Nurses station and tried to keep herself together by focusing on getting to Toby. "I need information on a patient please, Toby Cavanaugh." She said desperately while trying to hold back tears. "Oh you must be Spencer, let me check, he just got out of surgery and is in room 324, I'm afraid he is still in critical condition though." The nurse frowned. "C-can I see him please? I need to be with him." Spencer begged desperately.

"Yes you can go see him." The nurse said and Spencer thanked her then turned back to Emily "Em can you do me a favor and tell the girls? I need to be in there with him." Spencer said. "Of course. Go see him." Emily said and Spencer raced off to Toby's room. Once she got to room 324 she brought her shaky hand to the door handle and took a deep breath before slowly opening it, she wasn't sure she was ready to see him in this state, well of course she wasn't but she needed to be with him, she fully opened the door and almost broke down when she saw him lying there with a bandage wrapped around the top of his head, his right leg in a cast, and a breathing tube connected to him. "Toby." She choked on her tears and walked over to his bedside and sat in the chair and held his hand gently.

"Baby I'm here." She gently kissed his forehead. "I'm so sorry Tobes, this shouldn't have happened." She cried as he stroked his face with her other hand. "I'm going to make A pay for this I promise." She cried.

"Please Toby please wake up." She pleaded as more tears fell down her face. "If you die, I'm gonna kill you." She sobbed even more.

"Please please don't leave me here Toby you can't I need you I love you more than anything and I can't be here without you please come back to me please Toby." She then put her head down continuing to sob, unable to control it, she couldn't lose him.

Suddenly she felt a squeeze on her hand and she immediately alerted. "T-tobes?" she croaked out hopefully and she slowly lifted her head up to see his beautiful blue eyes staring at her. "Tobes!" She cried, but tears of joy this time of course." Toby gave her hand another squeeze comfortingly.

"Hi baby."  she smiled at him as more happy tears rolled down her face. "You're going to be okay, I'm here." She promised him as she kissed his forehead, Oh how badly he wanted to say her name but that was kind of difficult considering the breathing tube shoved up his throat but he was very relieved to see her beautiful face and hear her voice. Spencer then called for a doctor, not leaving Toby's side and one came in and after they looked him over and everything they finally removed the breathing tube from his throat which he was thrilled about.

Once they were alone again he squeezed her hand once again. "Spence." He croaked out through the pain, his voice was so weak.

"Easy Tobes don't strain yourself, just rest." Spencer told him. "I was so scared you were going to leave me." She said as she stroked his face. "I could never leave you Spence."

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I really missed you." Spencer said trying not to cry again. "Come here baby." Toby said and she fell into his strong arms. "I'm here I'm here I'm alright." Toby soothed to her as she cried into his chest. "I love you so much." She cried. "I love you too baby girl, so much." He said as he kissed the top of her head fighting his own tears.

A little while later, Spencer was laying in the hospital bed with Toby and her head was on his chest and he rubbed her back gently.

"I'm sorry about our date." Toby sighed. Spencer stroked his cheek. "Hey it's okay, we will have plenty more dates I just care that you're alright." Spencer smiled at him and he smiled back and kissed her passionately and she kissed right back.

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