"I thought you were dead."

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Spencer was sitting in her bedroom on her bed at Radley staring at the wall like she did everyday, thinking of him. Toby. She still can't believe he's really gone, her safe place to land is gone and she can't function without him, which is why she is in Radley.

Just then Spencer's favorite orderly Eddie Lamb walked in her room. “Hi Spencer.” She turned to face fim and gave him a sad smile “Hi Eddie, time for my medicine again?” Eddie shook his head “Actually no, you have a visitor Spencer.” Spencer shook her head and looked back at the wall “You know I don't want to see anybody, I’m not ready.”
“I think you'll want to see this particular person though Spencer.” Eddie insisted. “And why is that?” Spencer asked, not making eye contact with him. “It's Toby.” Spencer's head snapped over to look at Eddie and she shook her head. “That's not possible, Toby is gone Eddie.” Spencer said trying not to burst into tears for the hundredth time since that night in the woods. “Spencer whoever you saw was obviously not Toby, I promise you he is here and he is asking for you.” Eddie said. Spencer felt a tear run down her cheek. Could it be? Is he really alive? “He's r-really here?” Spencer asked trying not to let hope fill her mind because hope breeds eternal misery. “I promise you Spencer, It's really him.” Eddie replied. Spencer nodded “I want to see him.” “Let's go then.” He then led her out into the visiting area, Spencer's heart about to pound right out of her chest, and then she saw him. Toby. It was really him.
He was sitting in a chair, his head in his hands looking down at the floor. Spencer didn't know what to feel right now, this couldn't be real, Could it? “Toby.” Eddie called and Toby looked up and his eyes met Spencer's and he instantly got out of his chair and smiled at her. “Spence.” Chills went down her spine, she still couldn't believe he was really here, Toby was really here, alive and right in front of her. “Tobes.” She said just above a whisper and he slightly nodded, confirming it was really him.  She couldn't move at first and then her instincts kicked in and she ran straight into his arms and he instantly wrapped his arms around her and that's when she broke down sobbing in his arms. “I’m here Spence, I’m here.” Toby soothed to her as he held her in his arms. Eddie smiled watching them. After a few more minutes Spencer's sobs turned to sniffles, but Toby wasn't about to let go of her, not yet. Spencer looked up at him and put her hand in his cheek, “I-it’s r-really you. Y-you’re here.” She said as she stroked his cheek. He nodded “I’m here baby girl and I promise I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled at her and for the first time since that night in the woods, she smiled, she smiled at her safe place to land. Toby then turned his head to look at Eddie “Can I take her back to her room so we can talk in private?” “Of course, I’m sure you have a lot to catch up on.” Eddie replied.

“We do, come on Spence.” Toby said gently, but she was hesitant, afraid that if she moved from this spot, he would disappear and this would be a dream and he wasn't really here. Toby could tell she was scared by the look in her eyes and he quickly reassured her. “I’m here Spence, and I'm not leaving you okay?” She nodded and they walked back to her room, his arm still wrapped around her of course. Toby sat on the bed and then motioned for her to come sit on his lap and she happily did and wrapped her arms around him. After a few minutes, she spoke again “Toby, h-how are you really here right now?” “I came as soon as I heard you were in here.” Toby said, his voice laced with worry for the love of his life. “I thought you were dead...” Spencer said about to burst into tears again but she managed to keep it together, for Toby. He shook his head “No baby, I promise you that wasn't me, Mona set you up, she set us up.” He looked down, ashamed of himself. “T-that night, in my house, on our Anniversary, you- are you really working with Mona?” Her voice cracked at the end, She clinged to him still, wrapping her arms around him tighter. Toby shook his head again “No baby, that night you didn't give me the chance to explain, well yes I technically was working with Mona but I was tricking her, I was doing it to protect you Spence, I could never hurt you you know that. I was trying to find out who A is so I could end this mess for you, and after you caught me I panicked and ran out, and then Mona made me leave town and then after that she told me that she tricked you into thinking I was dead, and that you were in Radley and I, Spence I almost lost it on her but my main focus was you so I raced back here to see you and tell you the truth.” Spencer nodded, trying to comprehend everything he just said.

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