Happy Birthday Tobias

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Spencer was sitting in the house that she shared with her boyfriend Toby, the house that he had built for them and it's been a year since everything went down with A.D. and they are focusing on being happy with each other, right now she was waiting for him to get home from work, and she has something special planned for him tonight.

"Spence, I'm home!" Toby called for her as he walked in the door and she smiled at him before running into his arms like she always does and he picked her up and spun her around before setting her back on the floor and then he kissed her passionately and she rested her forehead against hers after they broke apart for air. "I needed that." Toby said smiling softly at her. "Me too, how was work?" Spencer asked him. "It was good, we're just about done with the house we're building right now, but I'm just glad to be home with my girl." Toby said. "That's great, and I'm glad that you're home too, Happy Birthday Tobes." Spencer said as she ran her hand through his hair. "Thank you baby girl." Toby said happily. "You're welcome, and I have something special planned for you tonight." Spencer told him.

"Spence, you know that you don't have to do anything special." Toby said. "I know that, because we always show each other how much we love each other everyday anyway, but you always still spoil me on my Birthday so let me do this." Spencer said and Toby nodded in agreement. "Okay, I get your point." He said. "Good." Spencer said as she smiled at him. "What exactly is it that you have planned?" Toby asked her. "Oh come on you should know that I'm not just going to tell you." Spencer said. "Okay fair enough, just let me just take a shower first." Toby said. "The sweat doesn't bother me Tobes, how about you let me shower with you?" Spencer asked him as she ran her finger down his cheek. "Well you know that I can't say no to that, okay let's go upstairs." Toby said as he smirked softly at her and then he picked her up bridal style making her laugh and then he carried her upstairs.

After Their Shower

They were now sitting on the edge of their bed, Toby had a towel wrapped around his waist and Spencer had a towel wrapped around her body, and she was sitting in his lap.

"Okay, so are you going to tell me what you have planned for tonight?" Toby asked her curiously and she shook her head. "No, not yet anyway." She said smiling up at him. "Okay, well will you at least tell me what to wear?" He asked her. "It doesn't matter, you know that you look good in everything that you own." Spencer said as she smirked at him and he laughed. "Well thank you baby I appreciate that." He said before kissing her forehead. "Okay, well speaking of that, we should probably get dressed now." Spencer said and they both laughed. "Yeah I guess that's probably a good idea." Toby said before standing up and he picked her up bridal style and she laughed as he walked to their closet.

A Little While Later

"You know I'm actually not surprised, I kinda had a feeling that you were going to bring me here." Toby said as Spencer parked her car in the parking lot of their destination, the motel where they had their very first kiss, in this very parking lot. "Seriously?" Spencer asked him.
"Of course, this is basically our motel." Toby said and Spencer laughed. "Well you're not wrong." She said smiling softly at him before getting out of the car and he got out as well, and she grabbed a bag out of the car and then they headed inside to check into their room.

When they walked into their room, the very same one that they spent the night together in all those years ago, Toby was pleasantly surprised at the sight; Spencer had went there earlier while he was at work to make sure that everything was no perfect, there were rose petals scattered around the room and on the bed, and of course also on the bed was a Scrabble board, the one that she had given him for their first Anniversary.

"Spence… you didn't have to do all of this." Toby said and Spencer grabbed his hands. "I wanted to, because you deserve it. You deserve the best Tobes." She said smiling softly at him. "Well thank you." Toby said as he wrapped his arms around him and then he leaned in and kissed her and Spencer smiled into the kiss and kissed him back passionately and wrapped her arms around him and they stayed like that until they had to break apart for air, then they rested their foreheads together.

"So, what do you say we play some Scrabble?" Toby asked as he smirked at her and she nodded. "That sounds perfect." She said as she smirked back at him and they headed over to the bed to start a game.

"How are you feeling right now babe?" Toby asked Spencer who playfully rolled her eyes. "Fine, because I still have a chance to beat you, I mean we practically just started." She said and he laughed. "Yeah that's true, but now I just got another 75 points." Toby said as he finished putting his next word on the board.

"Squeeze? Seriously?" Spencer said as Toby laughed again. "What? Like you said "You still have a chance to win" So good luck luck with that babe." He said as he smirked at her and as much as she wanted to playfully roll her eyes she couldn't, because she loves him.

"So, is there anything you would like to say to me?" Toby asked her as they were finishing cleaning up the game. "okay, okay. Congratulations Tobes." Spencer said, but she wasn't making eye contact with him. "I get it, you're upset that I kicked your butt, again." Toby said as he smirked at her and she looked up at him. "Um no, it's your Birthday, so I let you win." Spencer said and Toby laughed softly. "Yeah whatever helps you sleep at night babe." He said and Spencer playfully rolled her eyes. "So are you having a good Birthday?" She asked him and he nodded. "Absolutely, Because I have you, that's all that matters." He said before kissing her forehead. "Good, and there is one other thing, well two things. I booked a reservation at your favorite restaurant for dinner tonight." She told him. 

"You really are spoiling me aren't you?" Toby said as he raised his eyebrow. "Well what can I say? You deserve it." Spencer said. "What's the second thing?" Toby asked her curiously and then Spencer got up from the bed and went over to the bag that she had packed for the both of them, and she pulled out a small box and then she walked back over to the bed and sat next to him, she handed him the box.

"Go ahead, open it." She told him and he nodded before unwrapping the box and then he opened it and he couldn't help but smile at her.

" She told him and he nodded before unwrapping the box and then he opened it and he couldn't help but smile at her

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"These are great Spence." He said. "I'm glad you like them, I know that you don't usually wear cufflinks but I couldn't resist getting these." Spencer said. "They're perfect, and I will definitely wear them, I promise." He said before kissing her forehead and she couldn't help but blush. "Okay, so we still have some time before we have to get to the restaurant, what do you say we have a little quality time if you know what I mean?" Spencer said as she smirked softly at him. "I like the way that sounds." Toby said as he smirked back at her. 

"Okay good." Spencer said before she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately and he smiled into the kiss and kissed her back. "Happy Birthday Tobias." Spencer said smiling softly at him as she rested her forehead against his. "Thank you, I love you so much." Toby said smiling at her. 

"I wanted to say that first, but I'll let you have it since it's your Birthday." Spencer said and they both laughed and then he kissed her again and wrapped his arms around her and before too long they were under the sheets.

I hope that you all enjoyed this! I meant to have this done on Toby's Birthday which was the 19th but the time got away from me and then I kept getting distracted and stuff from writing this 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 But anyway it's better to be late than never posting this at all, so again I hope you all enjoyed! 💙

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