Chapter 16 Part 2

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Bomi's arms wrap around Ran's shoulders while Chanyeol use Shantel for support. They all went out of the medi cube and found the rest of the remaining soldiers gathered. Though it was dark, the figure of two men on the ground was clearly seen.

The sounds of punches hitting skin and painful groans filled the air.

"What do you think you two are doing?" Though still weak, there was an authority in Chanyeol's voice.

The two stopped punching each other, turning around to see an angry Chanyeol.

Baekhyun grab the guy's shirt and drag him towards the captain then kick his legs down, making him kneel.

"He's an outsider. He might be a spy or-"

"No he's not!" Bomi interrupted him "D-Dongwoo?"

Ran look at Shantel for confirmation, asking if it's the Dongwoo she's thinking off. Shantel nodded sharply.

"Dr.Byun, I know you're concern for everyone's safety but let us soldiers handle this kind of matters. You're a doctor, technically a civilian. We don't want you getting hurt. You can let him go now." Chanyeol nodded his head.

Baekhyun let the guy go and wipe the remaining blood on his lips. He doesn't like this Dongwoo guy. He's cocky.

"It's been a long time Lieutenant Yoon." He smiles at Bomi widely and took her from Ran's  shoulder, carrying her. Bomi yelp "You look like you're in pain standing. Don't worry I won't drop you."

Bomi look away with a blush "Thank you."

"What brings you here?" Chanyeol interrupted "There must be a reason."

"I'm to make sure no one speaks about the incident that happened yesterday and no one goes out of the barracks. I have my soldiers outside. Everything that happened is to be forgotten until the higher ups say something." He said in a serious tone.

"What?!" Ran squeak "What do you mean forget what happened?! They're out there fighting for us! Maybe some of them are still alive and they need help! And even if they're dead, they need recognition! We can't just-"

Shantel placed a hand on Ran's shoulder "Sorry Ran....but we are soldiers. This is what we do. This is who we are and no matter what situation we are in, we follow the rules."

"Dongwoo....please help us. We can't just leave our soldiers out in the battle field." Bomi begged, tears almost in her eyes.

Unlike Shantel who's determined about sticking to the rules like a professional soldier should do, Bomi is more of break the rules and do something if it will save people's lives.

This time, there's no other option "No one leaves, no one speaks about the incident. What happened at that place was supposed to be kept secret...Another thing, Captain Park, you're under suspension for sending out dispatch. I am to keep you locked up until I heard something from the higher ups." Dongwoo gave out the command.

"Why?" Baekhyun finally spoke.

"Because he broke the rules. Only Falcon team was supposed to know that place. It is a top secret and now, everyone is suspicious of us because Captain Park sent dispatch and gave out the location...this brings great danger to our relationship with other countries."

"Captain Park can lose his position as a Captain...." Baekhyun sigh.

Bomi was about to protest once again but Chanyeol stopped her. He knew this will happen but for once....he wanted to break the rules and save his friends. He wanted to save Woozi and Jun Myeon...

And just like that, Chanyeol was taken away and locked into the storage room even though he's still badly injured.

Bomi's P.O.V
Feeling guilty and bad for some reason made me hate getting treated. Captain Park is still in a bad condition but he's locked up while my soldiers are nowhere to be found....I couldn't even do anything so I have no rights to take all my treatment and feel good. I can't get better alone. I need everyone to get better with me.

"I've been looking for you."

I felt someone sat next to me. I didn't glance at him but kept my eyes down the cliff where I could see the Capital.

"Everyone's worried. We should head back."

"You're not mad at me anymore?" I questioned, remembering how he yelled at me earlier this morning.

He didn't answer but I felt a jacket on my shoulders. I looked up at him and he was gazing back down at me. He already stood up and offered his hands "I wasn't mad. I was worried. Dead worried."

"Why were you worried?" I asked with a serious tone. I'm not dumb....the way he's been nice and worried for me makes me think that he likes me. Maybe it's like that. When you like someone you like to think they like you back. Maybe it's just me but I would like to know why he's acting so strange. He's been avoiding me thus whole day and suddenly followed me here.

"Because you're my friend." He sigh "A close friend. You're also my patient." He met my eyes and doesn't dare look away.

I look away instead "What was I expecting?" I stood up, still in pain. Suddenly, he kneel down in front of me, back facing me.

"Hop on."

" I'm heavy." I walked passes him but he grabbed my wrist.

"I said hop on. That Dongwoo can carry you so why can't I?"

"Tsk. You're always trying to be better tgan others huh?" I roll my eyes and went on his back.

He stood up and we started going back. Feeling his warmth under the night sky almost seems like a fairytale to me. It's almost so perfect that I want time to just stop. Reality is much crueler than this.

"Lieutenant?" I heard his soft voice called "Evrything will be alright."

I lean my head on his shoulder "Hmmm...." As I get more comfortable, he started humming softly. My eyes started to get heavier and in no time, I dozed off.

Baekhyun's P.O.V
I like feeling Lieutenant Yoon's presence so close to me. I don't know why but it felt so comforting that I don't mind get staying in my back forever....sadly, we made it back to the barracks.

I heard her snore softly and I couldn't help but chuckle.

We're all going through the same thing here. I have Seung Cheol with the dispatched team and I'm really worried. It's both physically and mentally exhausting and I'm just glad Bomi can take a rest.

"I'll take here from here." I saw Dongwoo approaching.

I walked past him "No thanks."

"I'm sure Lieutenant Yoon would prefer me carrying her." He scoff "I'll take her from here and you go to your girlfriend."

"I already have her on my back."

"So? Not because she fell for you means you can carry her. You dropped her long ago I heard. Don't keep dropping her because girls like her are like glass." He smirk "They shatter easily."

"What's your problem?" I glared at him. What the heck is he saying. He gets on my nerves!


Hehehe...since the last chapter was short, here it is! Sorry that this one wasn't as interesting. I'm writing it right now on my 30 minute break from work 😅😅😅 I hope it wasn't so bad. And you guys all remember Dongwoo????

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