Chapter 5

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8 months. It's been 8 months since I came back. Through those months, I've been monitoring the base here at Woruk Afghanistan along with Captain Park. Some had already finished their job here and returned to Korea including my sister and her boyfriend.

"It's a nice day First Lieutenant." Captain Park sat next to me behind our truck. We're currently at a minefield, trying to disable some explosions.

I nodded my head agreeing. The perfect scenery of Woruk along with the perfect weather. It creates a paradise to be'll be a pity if such beauty will be destroyed cause of wars going on everywhere.

I jump down from the truck and decided to go back to our station. Today, kids from different villages are coming .Once a week, we hold an operation to help people that are starving. If I can to be honest, I will give them something to eat every single day. Those kids...I don't even know how many days they go without eating anything.

"Corporal Kim," I called Suho as I found him arranging boxes of foods "What time are the kids coming?"

He glance at his watch "About...right now."

And as he said so, one by one, the kids arrived. The view of them made me cry. Their clothes are dirty, hair unorganized as if they didn't take a bath for days. Some of them doesn't even have shoes on. As soon as foods were served, they dig in so fast, it was gone in a blink of an eye.

"Kids, take is slow." I tried hard to say in their language "Indigestion."

They just look at me with wide smiles and continue eating. It melts my heart and breaks it at the same time. No children deserves to live a life as hard as theirs.

"Eonni," I felt a tug on my uniform. Next to me was a little girl. She motion for me to go down and I did "Thank you." She said then she wrap her arms around me.

I hug her back, not minding that she was really dirty. These kids are so pure like angels.

"I'm Lisa. I hope you won't forget."

"That's an adorable name." I said with a smile. I hug her even tighter.

Tears were forming in my eyes when a voice from my radio called. I pull away from the kid, patted her head with a bright smile then walk away to answer the call.

"This is Yoda reporting!" It was from the other line of the radio. He was saying something but the line wasn't working. It was as if I'm talking to a broken robot.

(Note: when they use their radio/ transmitter,they don't say their real name. For example, Chanyeol didn't say Captain Park reporting. He said 'Yoda' instead. It's called a 'call sign')

"Hello? Yoda! Can you hear me? This is Rilla,over!" I yell through the transmitter, feeling anxious. It was as if there's a chaos on the other line.

"L-Lieutenant nsksbsyainsia-"

"I can't-" I was cut off when I felt the ground shaking. I hold onto a pole to steady myself.

What the hell is happening here?

Birds were flying everywhere and suddenly, there was a deafening sound.

"Hello! Yoda!"

"The city has collapse! It's an earthquake!" He yell through the other line.

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