Chapter 15

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It was about 4 AM when Captain Park just barged into my room without any warning. He pulled me up, pushed me into the bathroom and told me to be out in the field within 15 minutes.

I was so mad I cuss at him under my breath. 15 minutes? That isn't even enough time to wake the living hell out of me. By the time I was out, the sky was still dark.

The whole falcon team were already inside the truck, ready to go.

"What's with all the urgency?" I questioned as I sat next to Woozi.

Captain Park look at me from the mirror as he drives "There's no time to waste. I just got a call. Someone managed to sneak into the base. The boy got all the informations about our military strategy and the bomb layout. Luckily, he was caught just before he was out of sight. They need us to be there right now in case the boy have companions hiding."

I sigh and lean back on my seat. This is going to be a tough case....I didn't even sleep that much last night. I was with Dr. Byun until around midnight when Hara came and just drag him away.

I wanted to pull her hair right then! I wanted to keep listening to Dr. Byun's angelic voice! I wanted to stare at him more and much longer. He's rarely nice to me nowadays but last night, he was sweet. He laughs at my jokes and he spoke ever so softly.

"What are you smiling about Lieutenant?" Corporal Kim Jun Myeon eyed me weirdly.

"She's thinking of a way to brutally murder the terorrist in our barracks sir." Chanyeol laugh and I sent him death glares. He doesn't deserve my respect even if he's a captain!

"Terrorist?!" Corporal Kim's eyes widened.

"Dr.Byun's girlfriend." Woozi laugh and I just sat there, embarrassed "We all know Lieutenant have the hots for Dr.Byun."

I saw how Corporal Kim gave him a knowing look.

I shook my head at him "I wasn't even thinking of her!!!"

"Cause your thinking of Baekhyun? I see Lieutenant." Corporal Kim wiggle his eyebrows at me "So you like doctors huh? I should have been a doctor then."

My mouth hang wide open "H-huh?"

He laugh at my reaction "I'm kidding. You're not my type."

I shook my head in disbelief. I didn't expect Corporal Kim to be just as childish as Captain Park....

After awhile of driving, we found ourselves somewhere unknown. There wasn't a road to drive on and the area was deserted but Captain Park seems to know the way. We arrived at a big tall gate that appeared out of nowhere and was greated by a couple of soldiers and a woman wearing a white coat like Dr.Byun's.

She led us at an underground bunk "This is where all the experiment happens." There were machines and computers and all those lab things I have no idea about. I don't really get how you could make an explosive....

"Where's the guy that managed to sneak in? Can we see him?" Corporal Kim questioned and we were lead at a very high security area deep in the bunk.

And he was there, all tied up but with a smirk on his face.

"Why did you sneak in here?" Woozi questioned.

He didn't answer but spit in his face instead. Woozi growled and grab the guy by his collar.

"Calm down." I push Woozi aside.

Captain Park stepped up "We have a very skilled bomber with us. Unless you tell us what's happening, I will order Lieutenant Yoon to just kill you."

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