Chapter 10

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Dr.Byun hug me tight as we watch them take his body away. I just couldn't believe what I saw and that he would hang himself.

I tried not to cry and act tough, collecting myself together. I wipe my tears, letting Dr.Byun release me from his warms and went through Jongin's things.

For the first time, I noticed a paper on top of his neatly folded military uniform.

With shaking hands, I reached for the paper and opened it hesitantly. By this time, Dr.Byun was peeking through my shoulder.

To everyone, I hope I'll be forgiven. I was blinded with revenge and money. Because of our messed up nation, I have to loose my father and brother. I didn't know that I'll be obsessed with illegal trading and the millions I get every time. I don't regret anything but because I simply want to stop breathing, I'm taking my own life. I am responsible for kidnapping those kids and selling illegal drugs and weapons. Again, I hope I'll be forgiven.

I cover my mouth to stop myself from making any sound. I felt Dr.Byun rubbing my back but even his presence can't calm me down anymore.

I don't believe it! I know Jongin lost both his brother and dad through the war when he was a kid. But Jongin is a good guy. He-

Suddenly, the paper was snatched from my hand. It was Captain Park. He skim through it with his jaw clenched.

"Captain, this is absurd. We must investigate what really happened." I said desperately "Jongin joined the military because he look up to his late father and brother so much. He loves our country. He's innocent. He'll never hurt anyone or do illegal-"

"Bomi," Chanyeol finally spoke up "Have you ever thought the he might have joined the military so he could use his status as a connection? He already confess through this letter. Let's settle things today and move on."

I hang my head low. I might not have been really really close to Jongin but I would never imagine him doing all this...

"This is the end of it Lieutenant. Jongin is behind the illegal trades and now he's dead."

I look at him but no comeback came out so I gave my salute and headed outside.

I look up to the dark sky, filled with twinkling stars. I don't know what to feel anymore....

I felt a presence sit beside me. I didn't have to look. I know it's Dr.Byun. He reach for my head and lean it on his shoulder as he hum a soft song.

"What are you humming?" I ask, closing my eyes.

"Baby don't cry..." he said softly then his hum turned into a song. Without knowing, I was immersed in his soft voice as I slowly fell asleep in his shoulder, letting my mind let go of such horrible thing that happened today.

>>>a week later<<<

"Dr.Byun, I think I sprained my left ankle." I went limping into his table, pulling off the most painful expression I could get.

He assists me to one of the beds and let me sit "What happened?"

"I was trying to help our very very cute Command Sergeant Lee Jihoon when I fell off the ladder." I told him, pouting.

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