Chapter 16

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Bomi opened her eyes, still in pain. She groan, hands to her side as she sat up. The pain didn't leave and instead it intensified.

"Lay down if you're hurting freak."

She turn to her right at the sudden sharp voice and was met by Hara who gave her a disgusted face. Bomi obeyed otherwise and layed back down.

"Where are the others?" She questioned, seeing how she's in the emergency room with no one but Hara. Seriously? Why does she have to wake up with her? It would have made her feel better if it's Dr.Byun.

Hara sent her deathly glares "Your sister and the other nurse is with that Captain guy and MY BOYFRIEND, just went to sleep. He was freaking watching over you the whole night." jealousy was evident in her voice.

Bomi wanted to smile at the thought of Baekhyun watching after her but the situation didn't allow her to.

When she found the bomb, she sent everyone out and tried to figure how to stop the unknown substance but she couldn't stop it. Luckily for her, she was able to jump out a window but the impact still sent her flying. Then worst of them all, there were shooters outside. She fainted right there and didn't know what happened next.

"I want to see Captain Park. Is he awake?" She again sit up, trying to ignore the pain in her body.

"You're a lot to handle! Ugh!" Hara took her arms and wrap it around her shoulder "Can you stand up? I'll freaking take you to him just so I don't have to listen to your annoying voice and see your ugly face."

With too much difficulty, Bomi managed to walk slowly, listening to Hara diss her occasionally. But with the small time alone with Hara, she realized something. Yes she's a brat....but she's still helpful.

Reaching Captain Park's bed on the other end of the medi-cube, Hara dropped her on the chair next to her sister.

"There. This is the first and last favor your getting from me." She flip her hair with a scoff before walking away.

"You're awake! Eonni, you should stay in bed!" Shantel uttered in shock.

"No....where are the other two? Suho and Woozi?"

Shantel looked down worriedly "I sent Seung Cheol and his troops out. They haven't come back and Captain Park are the only ones back."

Bomi felt her heart shattering. Her teammates are still out there, fighting. Who knows what's happening there right now....who knows if they'll come back alive...the thought made her sick to the stomach.

"How's Captain Park?"

Shantel shook her head "No sign of waking up. He have 3 gunshots but luckily he's safe for now..."

"I really should-" Bomi was cut off when her eyes landed behind Shantel. The boy stood there, looking so worried but then his eyes turned furious.

"Why are you always getting in trouble? Can't you stay away from danger for once?!" He breath heavily, eyes bloodshot.

Bomi was so shock her mouth hanged open "I....I don't...Dr.Byun, I'm a soldier. It's a given. I go out there with the mindset of protecting my country. I go out there knowing that my uniform could be my shroud. I go out there knowing that the battle field might me my grave...."

The man close his eyes, trying to calm himself "Maybe you should practice more so you wouldn't get hurt the next time. That way you'll be a more capable soldier." He massage the bridge of his nose before walking away.

"What the heck is his problem..." Bomi sigh, watching his back get farther and farther.

Shantel snap out of her trance "He's just worried. Last night, we all thought you and Captain Park wouldn't make it. Dr.Byun tried his best to save you and I swear, I saw him freaking out and almost crying for the first time."

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