Chapter 7

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Finally! It's been 2 days since the new group of soldiers came. Things are much calmer now and organize. It makes me happy that Woruk returned back to the way it was before.

I smiled to myself, resting my chin to my hand. And another thing that made me happy is Dr.Byun. He became one of the volunteer doctors here which means I'll see him every day~~~

"Lieutenant! The food is burning!!!" I heard Shantel yell behind me, pushing me aside to look after the food I was cooking.

I scratch my head "Sorry..." I've been spacing out lately.

"Eonni...if you have any problems you could tell me." She turn around and look at me seriously.

I shrug her off with a laugh "That's not something you should say Yoon Shantel. I'm the oldest here! Don't steal my line!"

Our time in the kitchen flew just like that with me and my sister bickering and joking around.

I called all the soldiers using the transmitter radio and we all sat down on a long table.

"I'm so proud of everyone for handling the situation really well." Captain Park stand up, giving his speech "It's a great start for a good relationship between the Arab and Korea's government."

Everyone claps and we started eating. I suddenly felt conscious. Baekhyun is sitting right in front of me! I need to act as feminine as possible.

I took tiny bites off my foods and eat as slow as I can, doing it delicately like a proper female would do.

"What are you doing?" Captain Park beside me gave a poke on my side "What are you? A mosquito?"

I frown at him and glance at Baekhyun who was now staring at me.

"Enjoy the food Lieutenant." Captain Park smiled, putting more food on my plate until no space was left "You usually eat like a pig."

"Yah! Shut it Chanyeol." I whispered at him with much warning on my voice.

"What?" He chuckle "Do you think I don't know what you're doing? I've known you since birth." He whispered back.

I scoff at him and started eating my food in anger. I shove every single food he put on my plate inside my mouth until my plate was as clean as new.

"Ah! I'm so full." I sat back, rubbing my stomach. That was a delicious meal!

"Uhm..." I look at Baek who looked troubled "...I hope you won't eat like that'll get indigestion and stomach problems."

My face turned red in embarrassment. Aish! It's all cause Chanyeol got me mad so I pigged out on my food!

Suddenly, Baek reach out from across and I found his hand on my lips. My eyes widened and I turned even redder. Our eyes met and he just smiled casually.

"You got chocolates all over your lips." He chuckle, sitting back down.

My heart was beating so fast. I couldn't breath as I watch him laugh along and joke around with the other guys.

How the hell did he freaking have this kind of effect on me?
Today, packages from our family and friends back in Korea came.

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