Chapter 2

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Baekhyun sigh in relief when he finally manage to put her to sleep. He hesitantly carried her and transfer her to the room next door where he sleeps all the time when he stays on duty.

He tucked her into the bed, watch as she sleeps peacefully. Earlier was painful for him to watch too. She was wailing, begging for help. She was trapped in her own mind and it's destroying her.

He sat down on the edge of her bed, thinking about ways he could help her when his phone rang. He quickly answered it and ran outside the room as quietly as he can.

"Oppa! Are you really back?!" A cheerful voice welcomed him "Are you really?"

Baekhyun smiled "Yes I am. Sorry that I couldn't contact you. I'm really busy."

"You're always busy." Disappointment was visible in her voice "We haven't seen each other for months and now that you're tell me you're busy!"

Baekhyun sigh "I'm sorry Hara..."

"How many times are you going to apologize?!"


"I don't need your sorry!" He heard her sob "What I need is you! When my parents died you're all I have....and you know that oppa. I miss you."

Baekhyun peek on the room and found Bomi still sleeping. He slowly close the door and sigh "...I miss you too. It's my fault. I was selfish so don't cry,ok?"

Hara didn't answer but instead sobbed even more "Is your job more important than me?...or have you found another girl?"

"That's not it!" He raised his voice,flustered.

"Then why are you getting mad? Do you not love me anymore?"

"I'm not. Sorry I raised my voice." He took a deep breath "You don't have to worry about anything,ok? I love you a lot Hara. If it'll make you feel you want to meet me now?"

Hara chuckle "That's the oppa that I know! Let's go watch a movie!" She said cheerfully "Baekbom-oppa would be really happy that we're finally together!"


Bomi's P.O.V
I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. I was inside a small hospital bed and on the table next to me were pills and water.

Sorry Ms.Yoon. Something urgent came up so I head out first. Please take your medicine on time and I'll see you on our fourth session.

It was written on a piece of sticky note by my doctor. I took my pills and grabbed my phone.

"3 missed calls from Shantel." I clicked her contact, calling her back.

"Why'd you call?" I asked "Do you want me as your sister or as First Lieutenant Yoon?"

"Sister." She chuckle on the other line "How's your therapy going?"

"Good. Dr.Byun's kind of cute." I joked to light up the mood "But I know that's not why you called me."

"I'm love sick Lieutenant. The feeling is too heavy."

"Do you want me to blow him up or shot him? Maybe run him over with the tank."

My sister let out a dry laugh "I don't know what to expect. Is he my boyfriend or not...I have no idea."

"Ask him."

"I'm getting deployed to Woruk Afghanistan tomorrow." She sigh "I'll miss him."

"Tell him then." I roll my eyes as if she can see me. These two are just making things more complicated for themselves.

"It's not easy. Anyways, I just called to check on you Eonni. I hope you'll come back soon."

I smile sadly "I don't know Shantel. It's hard."

"You're a strong girl Eonni. You know I look up to you a lot,right?"


"Cheer up! You'll get better." She said cheerfully "I'll go now. I need to finish things up before I leave. Dan-gyeol."

"Dan-gyeol." I ended the call and went out. The door led me to Dr.Byun's office. I took the chance to look around and found many pictures of him around the world, helping starving children, soldiers and elders. It was taped on his wall. On his table though was a framed picture. I picked it up and looked.

It was a younger him next to a man. Based on his uniform, his name was Byun Baekbom and he's a sergeant. Beside them was a girl. Baekhyun's arm was around her.

"They look happy..." I mumble.

"They sure do."

I was startled when a guy spoke behind me. I quickly turn around, pointing my pocket knife at him.

Sorry for the short chapter but I just have to leave it on the cliff hanger 😂 Hope you guys enjoy. Please feel free to give me some ideas I'll consider putting it into the book 😁

Wind beneath Your WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora