Chapter 1

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"Get the operating room ready!"

"He's loosing his pulse! Hurry up!"

As soon as Bomi stepped into the hospital, she was welcomed with different noises and busy people running in and out. Feeling the sudden urge of panic kicking in, she sat down on a nearby chair, calming herself down.

It's been 3 days and she have no idea where this doctor she's looking for went...neither did why she's desperately looking for him.

In the lobby, she sat in trance until a gurney went in, pushed by nurses. A guy caught her attention. He was on top of a patient, trying so hard to revive him but he seems to be a normal person. No doctor coat or anything indicating who he is. Following the gurney with her eyes, an idea emerges in her mind.

"Found you..." she shook her head in disbelief. It was him. The guy she was looking for.

She slid her bag on her shoulder and stand up, trying to follow the guy but halt when she felt a sudden push, causing her to fall on the floor.

"I'm sorry ma'am! We're in a hurry! I'm really sorry!" She heard someone apologize but all the sound seems to be so far away from her and soon all she hears were what seems to be gun shots and explosions.She cover her ears, crying and screaming.

"Are you ok ma'am?"

"Don't touch me!!!" She cries, shivering in fear "I won't tell you anything!" She then started gasping for air as if someone was choking her.

Everyone around her tried calming her down but the more they get close the worser she gets.

"I'll take care of this. Don't touch her." A guy made his way through the crowd,dismissing everyone.He kneel down in front of her putting his mask up and said in a very calm voice "Miss I'm a doctor. Ple-"

"Save me! I-I can't---P-please!"

"Calm down. Right now everything you see or hear are illusions. They aren't real. Take deep slow breaths."

"Please! Save me!" She grab onto his arms, begging him.

With her initiating physical contact, he slowly held her hand "Open your eyes miss and look around. Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Her loud cries slowly turned into sobs but her shaking hands never let go of his arms.

"Right now you're just Yoon Bomi and this is the hospital, ok? You're safe here. Can I help you stand up?"

Bomi slowly open her eyes with a nod. The guy hesitantly hold her shoulder, careful not to startle her. He help her up and smiled.

"You handled that well. Can I help you with anything Miss Yoon?"

"N-no...I'm fine now. Sorry for the trouble doctor." She look at his coat with eyebrows knit "...Dr.Byun."

"Can I take off my mask? Calm down ok? This is the hospital. You're safe." Despite the mask covering half his face, his eye smile calmed her down.

"You can take it off Doctor. I'm fine now." She said. The guy earlier reviving the patient on the gurney stand was now right in front of her, wearing his hospital gown and a stethoscope, seeming more like a doctor.

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