Chapter 4

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It's been two week but still no Seung Cheol. I don't understand why I'm being like this though. What's our relationship anyways? He doesn't have any commitment to me. It's not like he's my boyfriend....

"First Lieutenant?" I was snap back to my senses when my fellow soldier called me. All of them had their glass of soda up in the air, demanding a toast.

I quickly pick up mine and click it with the other glass. They all yell in happiness and once again, the room was full of noises.

The majority of them are going back to Korea tomorrow so they decided to throw a party. I can only stare at them with a forced smile. Me and Captain Park would be staying. He'll assist the new group of soldiers coming while I take care of the medi-cube.

"Don't look so sad now Lieutenant." Captain joked, nudging me with his elbow "Aren't you happy for our juniors?"

"I am." I tried to cheer up "Are we picking up the new group dispatch here tomorrow?"

"Yes." He told me, confuse "General Yoon wants you to come though. He seems excited. You don't think he's coming here right?" At the mention of my dad, Captain Park's face turned sour.

I chuckle "Why? Don't you miss General Yoon?" I joked.

He just looked at me as if I was crazy. Last time he was with my dad, he looked like he was going to die. He put him under extreme training that he couldn't move for 2 days. And because he was slacking off for two days, he received punishment. At that time, his role as a captain was useless.

"...Shantel?" He broke the silence between us "Do you perhaps...want to go somewhere with me tomorrow?"

I didn't know what to say so I just looked at him.

He started to become flustered "You see, I found this really cool place while driving around last night! I just thought I should ask you out! It's uhm, a beach! But you don't have to come! I mean...I'll be sad but it's ok if you can't. I'm not forcing you or anything. And it's definitely not a date! It's just...I mean if you want it to be though...I don't mind."

"I ca-"

I was cut off when our fellow soldiers started cheering for him, making the situation uncomfortable for me.

"Ohhhh~ Captain Park just asked Lieutenant Yoon out on a date!"

"You're the man Cap!"

"Ask her out!" And soon enough, everyone was screaming for us to date.

I didn't like all the attention so I stoop up "I'll be heading to my room. Don't forget that tomorrow morning, the plane will leave." I reminded and walked out but before I completely left, I heard them said "She's gone! Take out the alcohol!!!"

Boys will always be boys. Tsk.

I made my way to the medi-cube where my room was. It's not like I can sleep at the barracks full of guys.

"Should I have not came?" I froze on my spot, not even knowing if I'm imagining things or what.

Seung Cheol...

Blinking several times, I continue walking, deciding that it's my imaginations again. I haven't even took 3 steps yet when he spoke another word.

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