Aaron Carpenter - Becky Anderson (Pt.2)✔️

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In which your boyfriend of 6 months Aaron Carpenter wants you to meet his mom


"Damn Ma, you are looking fine." A random man said looking me over. "Uh, thanks I guess." I shrugged. "I mean you got that hourglass figure type action and you just look so good." He bit his lip shooting me a seductive glance.

"Thank you for the attempted compliment but I am not interested." I said.

"But you haven't even seen what I can offer you..." He trailed off running a finger up my arm. "Maybe you can give me your number and we can---" he stepped closer but his advancements were stopped.

All of a sudden Aaron came striding in like my knight in shining armor.

"Hey babe, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Were you sitting here long?" He asked looking at me.


He shot me a sly wink and I smiled. 

He wants me to pretend to be his girlfriend?


"No." I shook my head. "You guys are dating?" The guy asked. We turned from each other to him. "Yes, is that a problem?" Aaron asked moving to stand in front of me and face the guy.

"Actually it is, because I was just going to take your girl on a date and show her what it's like to be a real man." He smirked looking at me. "I was never leaving with you so don't lie like that." I laughed.

"You better tell your girl to watch how she's talking to me." He threatened giving me another look. "She can talk to you however she wants, don't talk about her like she is an object. Learn to have respect." Aaron spat.

"Whatever ,let's go." He attempted grabbing my arm only to have Aaron grab his wrist on mine. "Let go." He seethed through his teeth. "What are you gonna do about it pretty boy?" The man taunted him pushing Aaron.

"Don't make me humiliate you in front of your girl." His menacing chuckle filled the air as he pushed Aaron again. "That's what I thought." The man bitterly laughed before pushing Aaron over once more. Then he lost it.

Aaron began throwing punches into the mans face left and right. I was so in shock that I didn't know what to do.

A stranger just put himself in danger just to help me.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the guy began punching Aaron. It was no doubt he was way bigger than Aaron meaning his punches had bigger impacts.

Soon two big men pulled them apart. The other man stormed out clutching his face and stomach.

While Aaron laid on the ground clutching his face and arm.

I walked to him and bent down to his level. "Let's get out of here, yeah?" I asked him. He nodded and I helped him get up.

As we walked he accidentally stumbled and I took the initiative to lean his arm on my shoulder and allow him to lean his weight on me.

"Do you have a car? Or did you walk here?" I asked him. "Car. Key is in my back pocket." He mumbled. I awkwardly reached and pulled his keys out clicking the button and hearing a loud beep.

I followed it and we made our way there.

I sat him in the passengers seat and I sat in the drivers seat awkwardly.

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